Wednesday 23rd September 2009; Minister of Agriculture Hon, Michael Denise Lett is leading a three man delegation to Brazil to discuss and agree on Areas of Technical Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Brazil.
In July of this year Minister of foreign affairs Hon peter David visited Brazil and it was revealed that there were excellent opportunities for Grenada to receive assistance in the areas of Agricultural Research and Development from EMBRAPA (the Brazilian Enterprise of the Agricultural Research), as well as, hands- on training for farmers from another institution EMATER (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Enterprise)
During the Visit, the Minister and his delegation would meet with the Secretary for International Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture; they will be participating in a field trip to the green Groceries production plant of EMBARPA, a visit to EMATER. They would also meet with Director of ABC (The Brazilian Agency for Technical Cooperation of the Ministry of External Relations), and representatives from the Ministry of Fisheries.
In October 2005, a mission from Brazil visited Grenada and held discussions on technical cooperation in Agriculture. The Agriculture Minister would use this opportunity to further renew the proposed technical cooperation agreement.
Minister Lett is accompanied by Mr. Ferron Lowe, Policy Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture and Mr. Arron Francois Acting Senior Planning Officer. During the Ministers Absence Hon. Joseph Gilbert Minister of Works will be acting as Minister of Agriculture. .