Caribbean News


MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica (April 29, 2008) – The sporting genius of Jamaicans is admirable and should be developed into educational opportunities, said former professional NBA basketball player Zack Jones who is currently in Jamaica conducting sporting clinics in the Montego Bay area.
The San Diego-based Jones, who played in the NBA for both the Cleveland Cavaliers and the New Jersey Nets, said that Jamaica has been blessed with tremendous sporting talent, citing the successful careers of basketballer Patrick Ewing, boxer Lennox Lewis, and world championship sprinters Asafa Powell, Veronica Campbell-Brown and Merlene Ottey.
“The talent among the youth here is tremendous and we should encourage these young people to pursue athletic scholarships in the United States and beyond,” said Jones, who is here with former NFL player Darren Carrington to conduct sporting clinics along with former Jamaica national football (soccer) stars Warren Barrett, a former national captain, Paul “Tegat” Davis, a formidable striker.
“While they develop their academic skills in school they should also discipline themselves on the courts and the playing fields,” suggested Jones, the director of this week’s sports activities for the California-based Miles Ahead, a youth-focused Christian organization, led by former NFL player, Pastor Miles McPherson.
“Sports is a great way to connect with young people and challenges them to make positive life decisions. It brings out passion in the youth. It also inspires them to be a part of something much greater than themselves,” added Jones, a former Division 1 coach for Liberty University in Virginia. 

This week Miles Ahead is conducting medical and sports clinics, deaf education workshops, school assemblies and restoring local elementary schools in the Montego Bay area.
Miles Ahead is currently on island as part of Jamaica Broilers Group’s 50th anniversary celebrations and three major family-oriented festivals, under the Best Dressed 50 Fest banner, presented in Mandeville, Montego Bay and Kingston through May 4. Pastor Miles McPherson will deliver timely messages at Montego Bay’s Dump Up Beach on Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3; while international evangelist Luis Palau will present on the King’s House grounds in Kingston on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4. 
McPherson, known for encouraging people of faith to “DO Something” (, stands at the forefront of “transformation evangelism” and “ministry mobilization.” In addition to leading the 10,000-strong Rock Church and Academy in San Diego, McPherson is the President of Miles Ahead which has organized events in 18 cities, including Canada and Africa. Besides being an author, McPherson also is an Emmy Award winning producer for the documentary Master Meth, which examines the abuse of crystal methamphetamine.

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