Local News

19th Meeting of OECS Ministers of Education

Minister with responsibility for Education, Labour and Legal Affairs Honorable Claris Charles will host the 19th Meeting of OECS Ministers of Education in Grenada from 12th to 14th March 2008 at the Flamboyant Hotel, Grand Anse.   The theme of the meeting is “Collaborating in education reform: Sharing, Adoption and Adaptation”.  The theme speaks to the collaborative work in education between the OECS Education Reform Unit (OERU) and the OECS member countries.  The Unit recently has completed the implementation of the Eastern Caribbean Education Reform Project (ECERP) that produced a variety of products, including harmonized learning outcomes for the core areas of the school curriculum, and guidelines for school management and student discipline for OECS countries.  The meeting will consider areas such as a harmonized career path for teachers, a policy for universal access to secondary education, greater access to tertiary education within OECS countries and bulk procurement of school texts.  Ministers will discuss also the role of education in the movement toward an Economic Union among OECS countries.   Director of the OECS Social and Sustainable Development Division, Mr. Francis Burnett, will address the opening ceremony.  .

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