In commemoration of the 34th anniversary of Grenada’s Independence, Patriots & Friends of Grenada will be celebrating the event with a True Caribbean Extravaganza SHOW & DANCE on Saturday Feb. 23, 2008 at the Zendah Grotto – 4402 W. Ohio Ave., Tampa, Florida, to commence at 8.00pm sharp.
Caribbean News and Sports
NDC’s Ingrid Jackson calls on Foreign Minister to Apologize for Genuflecting to the PM
Ingrid Jackson National Democratic Congress politician, Ingrid Jackson, says Elvin Nimrod should apologize to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique for genuflecting to his party leader, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell. Nimrod, the Foreign Minister and chairman of the ruling New National Party, knelt before the Prime Minister […]
MP reiterates NDC call for renaming of airports
Glynis Roberts, the NDC Member of Parliament, says she is looking forward to the government’s naming of monuments and buildings after Grenadian national heroes. Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell, speaking at this year’s 34th Anniversary of Independence celebrations, said the unveiling of the names will be done within the next […]
Barbados sets up semi-final grudge match with Trinidad
COOLIDGE, Antigua – 15 February 2008 –Jonathan Carter and Ryan Hinds did it again for Barbados. They batted Barbados into the semi-finals of the Stanford 20/20 tournament with a comfortable 54-run win over Grenada at the Stanford Cricket Ground on Friday.
Grenadians In Florida Celebrates Grenada’s 34th Annivessary
The Grenada Cultural & Civic Association – a South Florida based Grenadian organization – held its 20th Anniversary Dinner and Dance celebrating 34 years of Grenada’s Independence on Saturday last. It would appear that the upscale Diamente Banquet and Convention Hall in Tamarac, Fort Lauderdale was a perfect match for […]
GRENADA-MEDIA-Regional and international bodies condemn forced eviction of Jamaican journalist
ST GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC – Te Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) and the international media watchdog group, Reporters Without Borders, have criticised the decision by immigration authorities who gave a Jamaican journalist 24 hours to leave Grenada on the grounds that she had overstayed her time..
Two More Murders
Moments after observing 34 years of political independence, Grenada was rocked by two murders which occurred within a 22-hour time span. The first one happened at about 11:00 p.m. just as a village blocko in New Hampshire, St. George¹s was concluding on Independence night, February 7.
Rural folks complain about ‘tough’ times
For a third consecutive weekend top officials of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) headed by party leader Tillman Thomas engaged on a market square walkabout. Following similar excursions to the St. George’s Market Square and the Gouyave Market area, the team met with market vendors and shoppers at the Grenville […]
Walk For Oil and Gas
Walk for Oil and Gas The two labour parties on the island, Grenada United Labour Party (GULP) and People¹s Labour Movement (PLM) have taken the initiative to plead with Venezuela to settle its maritime boundaries with Grenada.
New book from Alexis
The book ³EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT: MODEL REGIONAL COURT² was launched last Friday in St. Lucia by its publishers the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC), headquartered there; following its printing by the Government Printery of Dominica .
NDC: Call It Maurice Bishop International Airport
Pressure is mounting on the Keith Mitchell-led New National Party (NNP) government in Grenada to rename the Point Salines International Airport (PSIA) after the man who started it during his short reign between 1979-83. The deputy political leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), George Prime has called on the […]
Trinidad beat St. St. Vincent to reach simi-finals
COOLIDGE, Antigua – 13 February 2008 – Trinidad & Tobago marched into the semi-finals of the Stanford 20/20 tournament with a comfortable 59-run win over St. Vincent and The Grenadines at the Stanford Cricket Ground on Wednesday.Beaten finalist at the inaugural tournament, Trinidad & Tobago, led by half centuries from […]
The True Story of the Levera Beach Resort Project Part 6
by Reynold Benjamin In a fit of passion and distress arising out of the destruction of Levera Beach and the environs of the lake by developers and the injustice meted out to owners and occupiers of the land around the lake, I got on my computer and started […]
The True Story of the Levera Beach Resort Project 5
by Reynold Benjamin Since these articles on the Levera Project began, very many persons have spoken to me on the phone, in the street and on more intimate social and other occasions, expressing sentiments ranging from delight, to anger, to astonishment and to disbelief. But someone whom I know […]
The True Story of the Levera Beach Resort Project Part 4
by Reynold Benjamin Last week, in part three of this series of articles on the failed Levera Beach Resort Project, I asked the question; can we do better? I expressed the conviction that we, as a resourceful people, can do better. I promised to place before you my own […]