Local News

Two people murdered in seperate incident in Grenada

Members of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Eastern Division at around 12.30 this morning (Saturday 1st March) responded to a report in the Paradise area of St. Andrew’s and found one male with a single stab wound to the chest.The district Doctor was contacted and on completion of his examination confirmed the male Mr. Richard Gilbert Flemming to be dead.Mr. Flemming was a 69 year old resident of Paradise.One person was detained and is assisting the Police with their investigation.

Lucas St. Incident update

Members of the Criminal Investigation Department this morning interrogated Mr. Arley Gill as part of the on going investigation into complaints made by a member of the Royal Grenada Police Force. The Complainant reported that he was detained against his will, allegedly beaten and some of his personal property taken away during an altercation that occurred on Lucas St, in St. George’s on Tuesday 26th February ’08 in the evening.

Mr. Arley Gill was accompanied to the Office of the C.I.D. by a legal team comprising Dr. Francis Alexis and Mr. Anselm Clouden. The session lasted for approximately two hours at the C.I.D. headquarters in St. George’s.

Commissioner of Police Mr. Winston James on Wednesday 27th February ‘08 directed the C.I.D. to conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations.

The investigation by the Criminal Investigation Department will continue.

In another incident Calypsion Little Nicky chopped his brother several times in Darbeau later today causing his death.   More news as they come to hand..


  1. I am little nicky brother,I know for a fact that my brother was not involved in no drug ring.I love my brother and I will continue to support him 100%.

  2. god is love

  3. I am the sister of little nicky and i can assure you that drugs did not play a role in the incident that took place.i love my brother and shall fully support him.

  4. Ann-Charlotte LaMothe

    I believe that drugs play a part in many criminal actions taking place in Grenada, including the killings. Why not introduce narcotic-searching dogs
    to aid the police in their work?