Caribbean News and Sports

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In the midst of reports that international flights are arriving in Grenada with visitors and Grenadians Residing Abroad, to attend various reunion activities and enjoy the August Festivals, the Grenada Board of Tourism, will again conduct its annual “Meet & Greet” programme at the airport.

Local News

Opposition Leader Thank the IMF

St. George’s, Grenada – Thursday July 24th, 2008: The Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition,  Honourable Dr. Keith Mitchell, extends his thanks to the International Monetary Fund Executive Board for increasing the funding for Grenada from the initial USD $17.4 Million approved in April, 2006 to USD $19.4 Million announced on […]

Local News

Chinese Delegation Meet Former PM

Wednesday 23rd July 2008, St. George’s: Leader of Grenada’s Opposition Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell met a seven-member delegation from the People’s Republic of China today. The delegation paid a courtesy call on Dr. Mitchell, at his Happy Hill residence.