
News from around the world and the Caribbean News and information

Local News

Telescope Man Murdered

St. Andrew’s, Grenada, (July 3, 2008) Members of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Eastern Division are conducting investigations into the death of Enoch Noel a 38 year old resident of Telescope in St. Andrews.

Local News

Free and Fair Election? Forget It!

July 3, 2008 – When the New National Party (NNP) under the leadership of Dr. Keith Mitchell appointed Sir Danny Williams a member of the NNP as Governor General and Lawrence Joseph then chairman of the NNP as Speaker of the House of Representative; not many said anything.  Dr. Mitchell […]

Local News

Grenville Vale Tropical Botanical Gardens

The Grenada Cultural Foundation endorses and supports the initiative of Dr. Valma Jessamy, Director of the Grenville Vale Tropical Botanical Gardens. Grenadians are urged to experience nature at its best- to return to Eden and participate in a healthy, natural environment on Saturday 21st June from dawn to dusk.