Grenada is at economic crossroad; we can decide to stand still, or we can decide to venture on a road where we have never been before. But, as the saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.’’
I am forced to write this as guidance on how we should address Members of Parliament both verbally and in writing. It is well known, and stated time and time again, that we follow the Westminster system of Government; and people like Sir Curtis Strachan and Mr. Leslie Pierre would […]
NDC’s problem with itself
Political Analysis by Hamlet Mark MAYBE the government of the National Democratic Congress can have George Worme write a book on ‘Political Suicide 101’ because at a time of the toughest economic challenges, we’re being led down a street where we are majoring in minors.
HAITI ON OUR MINDS!! By Neals J. Chitan
January 12, 2010 goes down in history as the worst devastation ever to be experienced in the Caribbean. Haiti, a nation of approximately nine million was in a few seconds rocked to its core by a 7.1 earthquake which left in its trail the totally demolished and crippled capital city […]
Mr. Prime Minister tell the Grenadian people the truth
It has been just over two weeks now since the Government of Grenada announced that they received funding from Kuwait for the “Phase B” road project, a project that the Minister of Works Joseph Gilbert said never existed in a GIS Interview.
Stop the hypocrisy
I am going to get into the “meat of the matter” without any delay. Mr. Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas during your party’s campaign you preached integrity, honesty, decency, transparency and respect for public institutions but I am at a lost today as to why you are you allowing your Government’s GIS-TV […]
Thank You God For A Half Century
As Grenadian Born President of Motiv-8 For Change International, I just want to take time to thank God on this public forum for blessing me to see this day August 09, my 50th Birthday. I can honestly say that I have never been ill during these years. At 50 […]
Ten Truths About Violence
The news continues to saturate newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet. The young and super-famous couple, scaling towards ultimate success, now caught up in a web of violence. The headlines have quickly moved from unbelief, to shock, to contradiction. First the news of the brawl; next the clandestine photos of […]
Survive the Economy: Change Your Attitude
No matter your social condition, if you are living on this earth you will undoubtedly face struggles. Sometimes we believe that our social and financial conditions will determine our ability to make it out of a negative situation unscathed. However, our attitude more than our buying power will ultimately determine […]
How To Live Fearlessly in 2009
Undoubtedly, January 20, 2009 will go down in the annals of history as the day that America re-defined itself. This nation saw for the first time, a son of an African immigrant take the oath to become the Commander and Chief of these United States. However, while the ceremony and […]
What will the New Year Bring? by Norka Blackman-Richards
2009 is here and all around the world we are living in some of the best and worst of times. Undoubtedly, we look towards this New Year with trepidations. The economic downturn brings with it a lot uncertainty and anxiety. Many have lost their jobs and many more will lose […]