By Lincoln Depradine It was a rare moment. We are used to public recognition and awards for service in such honourable fields of endeavour as education, medicine, farming and sports.
Celebrating a scholar and champion calypsonian
By Arley Gill He was the 1993 Independence Calypso Monarch, singing “10 Years’’ and “Sad Memories’’. A few months later in that same year, he entered the National Calypso Monarch competition and created a massive impact.
Social Antidotes Identified to Fight Crime!
By Neals Chitan As a social skill professional involved in strategic and sustainable crime and violence reduction, I have been keeping my finger on the pulse of criminal activity in the Caribbean.
Pumpkins Follow The Vine!!
By Neals Chitan The rise in crime and violence among teens in our 21st Century societies has reached epidemic proportions, seriously challenging; parents, school administrations, law enforcers and governments regionally and internationally.
Caribupdate Weekly February 6, 2013 By Lincoln Depradine This 39th year of independence is as good a time as any to reexamine Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, the “Father of Independence’’ and our first prime minister in 1974. Let’s relook Gairy not to debate his politics, economic and social programs, or […]
The truth don’t destabilize
As old President Ronald Reagan will say: “There you go again…” In this case, it is Grenada’s Minister of Finance Nazim Burke. Below is what he said September 12, 2012 in an exchange with Lew Smith, blaming everybody and everything except his stewardship for Grenada’s economic mess.
Walking as a democrat
By Hamlet Mark CARIBUPDATE NEWS: WHAT tragic irony, that our leader who has championed himself as a true democrat, is this weekend sitting with unelected advisors, trying to figure out a way to stay away from parliament as long as possible.
A Large Gold Medal + A Small Golden Deed = Greatness
By Neals J. Chitan It was the worst of times, it was the best of times! A statement which most fittingly describes the civic, social and political climate of Grenada, the beautiful Spice Island Paradise of the lower Caribbean within the last year. Grenada made its recent tainted debut into […]
The recession is over, the suffering has begun!
By Hamlet Mark Wednesday, July 4, 2012: Don’t know if it’s me – but I have found the entire debate in Grenada this week about the scheduling clash over the July 8th elections victory “celebrations’’ extremely repulsive.
Debt! What Debt! (Part І)
Follow India A vs West Indies A here GDP is Not an Indicator of Ability to pay Debt I intended to write this week to prove indisputably that the majority of you who go around saying thatGrenadais in too much debt and that the debt has crippled the country are […]
The facade has been lifted
By Hamlet Mark There are a few questions I’d love answered, since for more than a year, the Grenada Prime Minister has not made himself available to be seriously questioned by any members of the media except for the Government Information Service and the extra-friendly MTV News.
By their Fruits We Shall Know Them
I was fortunate to be trained by an old Englishman whose way of resolving any conflict regarding the meaning of a word was to whip out the Dictionary.
Another chapter of my manifesto of rebellion
By Hamlet Mark I spent the last week in Grenada, observing first hand some of the political developments – and been too busy going all over the place to put pen to paper until now.
A matter of nearly half a million in Grenada
By CARIBUPDATE NEWS SERVICE ST GEORGE’S, GRENADA: The opposition here has claimed that a top minister in the Tillman Thomas administration has received the equivalent of almost half a million EC dollars through a bank transfer.
Run fast from this burning building!
By Hamlet Mark April 11, 2012 – After a week on the road in Bermuda, I was about to write a blog about how clean and organized that society is, and how much we can learn from them.