
Commentaries Local News

Caribupdate Weekly February 6, 2013 By Lincoln Depradine This 39th year of independence is as good a time as any to reexamine Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, the “Father of Independence’’ and our first prime minister in 1974. Let’s relook Gairy not to debate his politics, economic and social programs, or […]

Commentaries Local News

The truth don’t destabilize

As old President Ronald Reagan will say: “There you go again…” In this case, it is Grenada’s Minister of Finance Nazim Burke. Below is what he said September 12, 2012 in an exchange with Lew Smith, blaming everybody and everything except his stewardship for Grenada’s economic mess.

Commentaries Local News

Walking as a democrat

By Hamlet Mark CARIBUPDATE NEWS: WHAT tragic irony, that our leader who has championed himself as a true democrat, is this weekend sitting with unelected advisors, trying to figure out a way to stay away from parliament as long as possible.

Commentaries Local News

Debt! What Debt! (Part І)

Follow India A vs West Indies A here GDP is Not an Indicator of Ability to pay Debt I intended to write this week to prove indisputably that the majority of you who go around saying thatGrenadais in too much debt and that the debt has crippled the country are […]


The facade has been lifted

By Hamlet Mark There are a few questions I’d love answered, since for more than a year, the Grenada Prime Minister has not made himself available to be seriously questioned by any members of the media except for the Government Information Service and the extra-friendly MTV News.