Commentaries, Local News

Walking as a democrat

By Hamlet Mark

CARIBUPDATE NEWS: WHAT tragic irony, that our leader who has championed himself as a true democrat, is this weekend sitting with unelected advisors, trying to figure out a way to stay away from parliament as long as possible.

I have listened to various legal arguments as to whether what Tillman Thomas is trying to do – prolong his government for another six to nine months – can be achieved.

While I will seek to leave the legal pundits to sort out what’s legal or not; the ordinary people like me can quickly work out what is immoral and what’s not.

While the Karl Hood lodging of the no-confidence motion has set a particular train in motion, the truth is the current government has entered an area where they do not control all aspects of the timetable.

In their best case scenario – government has another nine months – after which, barring some divine intervention of biblical proportions, this regime will have the ignominy of not just one term – but of breaking the heart of a nation who had looked to it for refuge.

Whatever Thomas or Hood may want – and have a right to in making their own political points – the bigger question will be what’s best for the nation.

When you talk to workers and business people; the youth and women – that part of the bargain is not hard to work out.

Thomas should not carry out this grand conspiracy to put democracy on hold; but understandably neither can he risk – once his stubbornness and foolish ego get out of the way – a parliamentary sitting where he will become the first Grenada Prime Minister to be sent packing through a vote of no-confidence.

Even without it, history won’t be kind towards him for a leadership that has squandered a historic opportunity to set a new political tempo in a tempestuous land.

But with it will come an exclamation mark to a sordid unfeeling incompetence.

I remember clearly that Saturday night in December 1998 when Raphael Fletcher resigned and effectively rendered the Keith Mitchell administration a minority government.

When I called the then Prime Minister to get some initial comments – at the end of the formal interview – he sought out my opinion on the development.

He did not say it, but I sensed he was trying to figure out a way to keep his government going.

My comment to him was: Sometimes there comes a time in politics that you can’t play games with democracy. You have to trust yourself and trust people – and give them a chance as soon as possible to settle this.

I said to him – of course there are risks and some areas are uncertain; but win or lose, you cannot allow yourself to go down as a man who sought to hang on to power at any cost.

Yes, you must be concerned about now; but also be concerned about your legacy and how history will see you.

I don’t suspect the current Prime Minister will ask me what I think – but uninvited – that advice remains relevant today. And I give it to him freely and lovingly.

The essence of politics – for every politician – is the ability to access power in whatever form.

But even in doing so, you cannot so be obsessed that you lose both your soul and your dignity.

For a lifetime in politics, Prime Minister Thomas has talked the good talk.

Now is the time that he must walk the walk of a democrat.

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