


By Neals Chitan The term Status Quo is defined as “the existing state of affairs” especially in regards to social and political issues, or the systemic prescribed way of acting or reacting to these issues. With a definition like that in mind, it is no wonder we frequently see a […]

Commentaries Local News

Remembrance, Thanksgiving & National Heroes

Caribupdate Weekly, Editorial October 2, 2014 The months of September and October are truly a period of remembrance and thanksgiving for us as Grenadians; remembrance and thanksgiving crafted from the vantage point of our view of our history. September, of course, is remarkable for our remembrance and thanksgiving for us […]

Commentaries Local News

Compelling arguments for CCJ

Caribupdate Weekly, Editorial July 24, 2014: – It’s official and it will be historic! February 10, 2015, is Referendum Day in Grenada. Minister of Legal Affairs Hon. Elvin Nimrod made the announcement last week after the Advisory Committee on Constitutional Reform, headed by Dr Francis Alexis, handed in its report and […]

Caribbean News Commentaries

Political Similarities Between Ontario, Brazil And Antigua People want the same things from their governments

By Lincoln Depradine Pride Contributing Writer The truism that people everywhere want the same things from their governments was all so evident last Thursday, June 12, as I witnessed three events – in different countries and cities. One, in which I was a direct participant, was the Ontario general elections. […]

Commentaries Local News Religious News


  By Neals J. Chitan As the largest of the English speaking island nations of the Caribbean, Jamaica has historically been a leader and trend setter to the smaller islands, and what a trend to set this time!! Caribbean New Now contributor Garfield L. Angus in his recent article “Crime […]


Comrade Naz and the leadership deficit

By Hamlet Mark The ascension of Nazim Burke as leader of the National Democratic Congress has been noted – and on a personal level you want to wish every man well in the context of everything. In politics, especially in this small society as ours, we cannot get so mean […]


Challenging the STATUS QUO on crime in the Caribbean!

 By Neals Chitan 2014 began with crime rates soaring ridiculously high in the Caribbean. Reports have indicated that in the first seven days of this year, the southern twin republic of Trinidad and Tobago has reported 19 homicides and counting. A recent article from Caribbean Journal asked the question, “Can […]

Commentaries Entertainment


CELEBRITY TEAM VISITS HMP The Made In Grenada Courts Celebrity Football team made its 2nd annual appearance (on Saturday November 9th) at Her Majesty’s Prison to engage a team of Inmates in a friendly football encounter. The game ended in a 3-3 draw after 80 minutes of competitive and entertaining […]

Commentaries Local News


By Gerry Hopkin, JD OVERCOMING GRENADA’S DEBT BURDEN & THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN REQUIRE A BALANCED-MIX OF COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS − NEW TAXES & RETRENCHMENT NEED NOT BE OUR FIRST RESORT We may eventually have to add new taxes and/or increase levies in order to pull ourselves out of the deep […]