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St. George’s Anglican Senior School could have an officially modified name

The St. George’s Anglican Senior School could have an officially modified name to reflect the person who is arguably the school’s most famous principal, E.R. L. Hinds.
 The Anglican School on Church Street, commonly referred to as “Hindsey School,’’ will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2015.
 Mr. Nigel De Gale, current Senior School principal, supports the idea of honouring the late Mr. Hinds on the 100th anniversary of the school’s establishment.
 “Perhaps it could be called the E.R.L. Hinds Anglican School,’’ Mr. De Gale said.
 Principal De Gale has begun a campaign to mobilise former “Hindsey School’’ students, at home and abroad, for what has been labelled “Project 2015.’’
 The first component of the project is the construction of a facility costing more than EC$200,000 that Mr. De Gale would like to see officially opened by the middle of the coming year, 2010.
 “Our immediate goal is to erect a multi-purpose classroom and staffroom.  This will cost just over $210,000,’’ Mr. De Gale said. “This project is really important to us.’’
 Mr. De Gale, a well-known cultural performer, has made items like singing and drumming an integral part of the school’s curriculum.  He says the proposed multi-purpose classroom will be utilised for video presentations and for the general enhancement of the teaching environment.
 The principal hopes to have a “massive celebration’’ of the 100th anniversary of the St. George’s Anglican.  He is seeking the involvement of the school’s alumni, including those now living in North America and Europe.
 “I am calling for the help and support of former ‘Hindsey’ students living in the Diaspora,’’ Mr. De Gale said.  “We want to link very closely with friends all over the world to start that process of planning activities for the 100th anniversary.’’
 Mr. De Gale has suggested that former students overseas could form their own anniversary committees in their respective cities, in support of the fundraising drive and other activities of the “2015 Project.’’
 For alumni in Grenada, Mr. De Gale is inviting them to a planning meeting to be held at “Hindsey School’’ on Thursday, November 26, 5: 30 p.m.
 “I would like as many people to attend the meeting,’’ he said.  “They should call in advance to confirm their attendance.  We would like to know how many people would be attending and to provide them with some light refreshment.’’

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