Dear Sir/Madam:
Since December 2009 I have had sporadic internet access with some days it going off for 5 hours at a time. We do a lot of work on the internet & often we lose an important email or some work as the connection decides to go down at the very point you are sending off an email. We now have to do our emails in a Word doc or notepad so we can just cut and paste. This isn’t the way it should be. This is very frustrating and of course because Lime offer a dire service.
Lime don’t seem to know why we are having a poor/no service! I have had a ‘walk through’ on the phone, I have ‘troubleshooted’ myself & with the aid of Lime, I have called Lime many times, I have had a engineer out and I have been to complain at Lime in Grand Anse. I have not seen an improvement in my service. It’s more like ‘dial up’ than broadband. Broadband is meant to be 24/7 not when Lime thinks you should have broadband.
What we find suspicious is that every time we call up and complain within minutes our internet is back up and running. We suspect this is done on purpose to save Lime money perhaps?
We have asked Lime (on Friday 23rd April) for a credit to our internet service, i.e ‘half of what we pay a month as we are only getting half a service’. We have not had a call yet and its now Monday (26th) evening. We are not holding out any hope. We guess we will have to make the effort to go to Lime again this week…more time, our gas…
Not once have we had a letter from Lime with a ‘sorry but we are keen to keep you as a customer’ with any kind of credit gesture, or not even a follow up call to our many calls to the call centre.
We cannot be the only ones to have issues with Lime but why should we the customer be paying out for internet and be getting a terrible service?
I called the call centre today, Monday 26th April and I was advised by the call centre to wait for my call from Lime at Grand Anse. I am wondering how long I will have to wait?
I am not paying Lime anymore money now until they sort this out. We are owed a credit from December to now, and it will be continuous if they continue with this cutting in and out service. We are planning to move over to Flow if this does not improve. We are not sure what the Flow service will be like but it has has to be better than Lime.
Caroline Hemingway
Thanks for the advice. We will be switching to Flow. We mainly use internet email addresses and we have used Mozilla Firefox as an internet provider. The problem is still persisting and we have not paid our bill. It is now the 4th May…what a bunch! I bet the person who dealt with my complaint, and the ‘supervisor’ (who never came out of her office to the main retail area but conducted two conversations on the phone to her front of house colleague..) won’t get reprimanded for such awful service…What makes me laugh is that every week Lime run many adverts in the newspaper, and have donated this to charity, or this person one $1,000 and so on..They blaster they logo on loads of buildings yet they cannot provide a service OR good customer service. Its all the bells and whistles and no punch.
Caroline wrote:
“We now have to do our emails in a Word doc or notepad so we can just cut and paste. This isn’t the way it should be.”
I would recommend using a 3rd party email client such as, Outlook Express or Mozilla ThunderBird (or any other you can find out there for free) and configure it to get/send emails every 5-10 minutes or so. If there’s a break in the connection the client would save a copy to the outbox and try to send it whenever it get online. That way, you can write all the emails you want, click Send and emails would be sent/received w/o the Word docs or Notepad cut & paste. Hope this helps.
P.S. This would work for the ISP you decide to go w/ whether it be LIME or Flow.
Why you waiting on the call from LIME? They clearly don’t want your business. Just switch to Flow, Flow’s broadband is cheaper and faster – $70 including VAT for 3Meg. And when I ordered my service, I got installed the next day. The most effective way to protest is just disconnect LIME’s service – you will be a lot better off, saving money and getting a better, faster and more reliable service.
I have still not had a call from Lime in Grand Anse or a reply to my email (similar to the above). Customers need to be vocal, as it’s only then will Lime do something.
BTW it took a while to post this post as Lime kept cutting off!
What you waiting on, switch to FLOW it is a far superior service, they even have phone service now, I have an unlimited calling package to US, Canada and overseas
I agree with your actions. We’re in the same situation you were in. We are also considering to switch to Flow as it provides much better speeds and service for lower rates.