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Our Holy Fathers consensually appointed November 1, as a day that All Martyrs are to be venerated. Later, Emperor Leo VI “The Wise” expanded the feast from a commemoration of All Martyrs to a general commemoration of All Saints, whether Martyrs or not. Today, November 1, is celebrated by Christians world-wide as “All Saints Day.”


As we invest in candles and ornaments to beautify the respective grave sites of our dearly departed and as the fervour of self-help/de-bushing and clean-up is now upon us, I make a clarion call that we rally around the idea of keeping the area around the graves of our loved ones clean  and accessible year-round.  I am not alone in saying that the run-down condition of our national cemeteries is appalling.


Many of us could remember the good old days when the cemetery had a maintenance manager who made certain that special attention was given to its upkeep. When convicted criminals sentenced to “hard labour” contributed to the cause.  Gone are those days. Today, after the wreath is laid on the grave and the last drink at the Happy Hour is consumed, the Dearly Departed is long-forgotten. Our collective priorities and interests have shifted to that of a self-serving nature.     


Let’s not leave it up to anyone else. Though our national cemetery falls under the authority of the Ministry of Health, it can be argued that those who profit from the use of the cemetery should contribute to its upkeep. However, irrespective of who is responsible for the cleaning we must take the initiative. Surely, we cannot allow this disgrace to continue. 


This year’s feast of All Saints is a good starting time to implement an all-hands-on-deck de-bushing initiative in our cemeteries. We must demonstrate our collective respect to our loved ones who have gone-on to the great beyond and attain the beatific vision in heaven.  As we celebrate with the hymns “For All the Saints” by William Waltham How and ”Sine Nomine” by Ralph Vaughan Williams while reminiscing on an All-Night Vigil celebrating the Eucharist over our Dearly Departed, let us not make this noteworthy initiative a one-time occurrence. Let us all join in and maintain the areas around the grave sites of our beloved year-round (until better senses prevail). This is the most cost-effective and caring thing to do.  


Also, the deliberate over-crowding of our cemeteries is of grave concern. One literally has no choice but to step onto graves to get to his or her site.  Because of the overcrowding, the walkways have been turned into gravesites.  Worse yet, the stealing of grave sites because of space constraints is not only unacceptable.  It is sinful. There must be a sense of urgency in closing the existing cemeteries with the intention of opening new sites. Privatization is a possibility…allowing for an enterprising Grenadian or Grenadians to venture into this new area of business by providing the adequate space and facility for burial.    


Let’s show more respect for the Dearly Departed.



Ronald “pappy” Charles


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