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United States Government confirms Mitchell is a US Citizen

NEW YORK, US, October 28 – The United States Justice Department has confirmed that former Grenada Prime Minister Keith Mitchell is a citizen of the United States. The confirmation comes in a letter sent to the Attorney General of Grenada, James Bristol confirming that Dr Mitchell has been a US citizen since January 1984.

According to the document dated October 16, 2008, as of the last general election on July 8, 2008, the former Grenadian leader is a naturalised citizen of the United States.

 The letter was in response to an official request from the AG’s office inquiring about the status of Dr Mitchell and former Foreign Affairs Minister, Elvin Nimrod.

Mitchell’s certificate of citizenship is 12069514. It was also confirmed that Nimrod is not a US citizen but a legal permanent resident.

According to our source there will also be other arrestable announcements. It is believed a letter written to a foreign government directing that monies destined for the Government of Grenada, final destination be the head quarters/account of the NNP party in New York.The money is reported to be in the sum of millions.

It should be noted that Dr. Mitchell is no stranger to allegations over mis redirected funds. The sums from the sale of the famous Banterante was never accounted for officially- despite allegation that it was used to pay off the mortage in New York for an apartment that is owned by members of Mitchell’s family.



  1. What gives you the right to declare this an issue of non-importance?

    WTF don’t you read?

    The constitution allows for holders of Grenadian and commonwealth citizenship to run for and hold public office in Grenada. But I guess that you, like most americans don’t know anything about anywhere except what you see on tv.

    Mitchell broke the law and he must be dealth with. Or are we on the road to americanism – one law for the rich and famous and another for the poor?

  2. So what if he is a US citizen. He is no longer running the country. Let the past stay in the past and move on. People in Grenada are complaining that the new government is not doing anything.

    There are people who were attending Nursing school and were pulled out of classes and were told that they do not need a degree to work in Grenada as a nurse. These are issues that needs to be addressed.
    As far a I know were Grenadians are allowed dual citizenship. Then again what gives you to right to put someone citizenship certificate number in a report. That is the persons confidential information. I am not a supporter for anyone in Grenada. I just think the the New PM needs to turn his energy elsewhere. Leave Keith alone.

    Mr. PM start running the country and leave these issues alone. You do not want Grenadians to get angry, you and I know what happens when Grenadians get angry.