What’s for dinner? For many families can be extremely expensive. The reason – we often don’t have time to think about preparing dinner until its actually time for dinner. With busy work hours, activities for children and other fees that must be filled out, we just do not have the time to worry about dinner.
As a result, we are forced to look for last minute solutions, namely restaurant meals or selections from the take-out menu in the kitchen drawer. In fact, after the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost 44% of our food dollars on meals outside the home spent.
Not only are these meals less healthy, they are much more expensive. There are ways to combat and prevent the last minute meal decisions and bad for the budget. Make Double Portions and Freeze the Rest
While you’re cooking it doesn’t take that much extra effort to prepare a double serving.
Serve as is only part of a meal and freeze the second. When you have a hectic evening you’ll have your own homemade “frozen dinners” ready to go.
Alternatively, you can have a quiet afternoon and cook the food at once and freeze them for later use. Fix, Freeze, and Feast by Kati Neville and Lindsay Tkacsik and Don’t Panic – Dinner’s in the Freezer by Susie Martinez, Vanda Howell, and Bonnie Garcia are two books that contain great recipes for freezer friendly meals. Put your work your scrap to scrap double-duty.
You can easily turn left-overs into quick complete second meals. Salad, pizza crusts, and eggs are staples kitchen, the great left-overs in the second turn, meals in minutes. Have left-over chicken and vegetables? Combine them with eggs to make delicious omelettes.
How about you mix chicken and vegetables with the green salad with a # 39 to make, nutritious dinner salad. Sauce and meat can be added to a pizza crust for a quick meal. If you look at other meals remains ” left-over “; night.
Your kids will love it, picking and choosing from amongst their favorites. Its quick, easy and helps you save money. Serve Breakfast for Dinner Kids love breakfast for dinner. Best of all its leaders to make when time is short. Oatmeal takes only minutes to cook in the microwave. Add brown sugar, raisins, bananas, and cut for a delicious meal. Pancakes taste great and are quick to make, as are bacon and eggs.
Use a slow cooker slow cookers are one of the easiest ways to avoid expensive last-minute run restaurant. Spend 10 to 20 minutes preparing ingredients in the morning or night before. In the morning Place all ingredients in Slow Cooker.
When you get home from a hectic day at the office you’ll have a delicious meal ready and waiting for you and your family. Given the hectic, there is the dinner are much cheaper than food and expensive restaurant take-out menu.
I LOVE my slow cooker. With beef, pork, or chicken, I brown the meat in seasoned flower to get my spices in.Rice cookers are great too. Not only can you cook rice, but you can add ground beef or other meat or other ingredients and cook a meal in your rice cooker too
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