Local News, Politics

Ongoing efforts to unite Grenada’s Oldest Political Party

Rumors are circulating that there are ongoing efforts to bring the two factions of Grenada’s oldest political party together for the next general election. The Grenada United Labour party was formed in 1951 by the late Prime Minister Sir Eric Matthew Gairy.

A committee which includes members of both factions were selected to plan the future for a united GULP.  The two factions lead by former Cabinet Secretary, Gloria Payne-Banfield and the other headed by attorney Reynold Benjamin has been involved in a bitter fight for control of the Party.

Some of the names mentioned are former Opposition Leader Michael Baptiste, former long time party member Winston Whyte who contested the 1972 election as a youth for the GULP St. Patrick’s West seat, Mr. White lost the seat to Dr. Wellington Friday of the GNP by one vote.  Dr. Friday later cross the floor and became the Minister of Education for the GULP.  Mr. Whyte  also left the GULP and formed his own political party.

Since the death of Sir Eric the party has gone through a number of leadership struggle.  Mrs. Gloria Payne-Banfield was appointed by the Grenada High Court to unite the party, he subsequently was elected as leady to bring peace to the then two factions of Michael Baptiste and Reynold Benjamin.

The party suffered a devastating defeat in the 2003 general elections failing to win a seat. With the NNP almost sure to loose the next election it is a good sign that the GULP is putting it’s house in order.  The party still have a role to play in Grenada politics.  The NNP cannot survive a defeat in the next election; and is almost sure to die a natural death after the election.  .

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