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NNP Perspective – A Government cannot Govern on lies

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The NDC continues in it’s efforts to deceive the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique to win the last general elections, did not realize that you can lie to get into office but you cannot govern effectively and efficiently with lies.  The truth always catches up with a liar sooner rather than later.

It is not surprising that the Minister of Finance will say to the people of Grenada that he was unaware that there was a cash flow problem in the treasury and that if he was aware of it he would not have travelled to Turkey Listen. In short he is saying that he is the only one who could have corrected the situation.  Not Is that a LIE but it leaves any thinking person to conclude that it was not absolutely necessary for the Minister to travel to Turkey costing the Government over 100 thousands dollars.  Where is the heart of the NDC and the Minister for Finance?  Does the NDC really have a heart?  Here are some other lies told by the NDC:

Elderly citizens were told that they will receive $250.00 increase in public assistance but got only $50 more Listen while thousands were removed from the list. Parents were told that they will receive FREE BOOKS but some now pay more than they paid before to get only four books.  Many were fooled to believe that they will get a ‘free barrel’ from Government when the NDC told them that they will get free barrels.

NDC told Grenadians that the cost of living will be reduced but it has been increasing daily. NDC said that they will remove the reconstruction levy in July but removed it six months later. NDC said to Grenadians that not one single IMANI would be sent home but ALL were sent home Listen. NDC said we will always be consulted but no consultation has taken place on important decisions such as Grenada’s association with Trinidad or the renaming of the airport. NDC said there will be no politicization of work but today NNP supporters are fired and denied jobs because of perceived political affiliation.

NDC said they believe in honesty, integrity and morality but appoints Joseph Gilbert as Minister for Works allowing his company to bid for Government contracts with his ministry supervising his own work. NDC said it will get Canada to remove Visa restriction on Grenada which they said was imposed as a result of the NNP mismanagement but now NDC says that the reason is the number of illegal resident in Canada and calls on them to come back home Listen. NDC while in opposition said there was TB in the Prison even if the experts said this was not true; but since they came into office not one case of TB was confirmed.

NDC said NNP was responsible for problems at the General hospital such as lack of facilities, lack of medication, and death of patients but after one year in office all these problems are worse and new problems were created by the NDC Government.  NDC said they will provide jobs for all, but thousands have been loosing jobs. NDC said Dr. Mitchell is a US Citizen Watch but the US Government confirmed that this is not true Listen. NDC said they were ready for Governance but chairman of the NDC admits publicly that the NDC was never ready for governance but only for winning the elections.

NDC said from day one they will work to improve the lives of Grenadians but they spent an entire year in office just focusing on attacking the former Governor General, former Prime Minister and members of the NNP. NDC said it is a united party but former AG and President of MWAG confirmed that there are fractions and internal problems in the Party and in Government.  Foreign investors such as Lewis Hamilton refused to invest because of false allegation of corruption. NDC fabricated lies such as the Brief Case Issue and supported the Grynberg accusation against Gregory Bowen which are all proving today to be lies. 

NDC said the former GG was paid $13,000.00 when in fact it was proven that he was only collecting $7000.00 per month.  The same NDC is now paying over $15,000 in rent for the new GG. NDC says the money for the Venezuela houses was misspent even when staff at the Ministry of Finance and Housing tells them the monies were used as intended.  They continue to lie to the nation 

The Minister for Finance denied that he received money from the Government of Trinidad but is a fact that these monies were used to pay salaries at the end of August   The Finance Minister also said they met an empty treasury but boast that they were able to pay over forty million dollars in unpaid claims, when international organisation deposited millions of dollars into the consolidated funds.  This lie has recently caught up with him when he tried to explain to himself that the treasury is not a bank that saves money and that is why they were unable to pay monies Listen 

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