Local News

MNIB & Courts in new partnership initiative

GRENADA: At a press conference yesterday at the Ministerial Complex a new partnership initiative was launched entitled “Let us grow” Replanting Grenada bigger and better.

This initiative is one in a series of collaborative efforts between MNIB and Courts for the advancement of Agriculture and improve livelihood in Grenada among farmers and processors and the public in general.

According to MNIB and Courts, the objective is to provide support for the accelerated replanting of fruit trees in Grenada by offering customers shopping at Courts the opportunity to obtain fruit trees based on purchases during September to November.

The total plants for distribution is approximately 3000 and includes Soursop, Mango, Sugar Apple, Golden Apple, Guava and Jack Fruit all at no charge to Courts.

It was also indicated that this objective and partnership will encourage the increased consumption of local produce and proper use of good quality preparation, storage and cooking utensils for best results.

The MNIB will drop off plants at Courts Grenville Branch, while vouchers will be issued by Courts St. George’s Branch for the collection of trees at MNIB’s River Road complex.


One Comment

  1. Who is really benifitting from this program? Is there a real scientific or statistical significance between buying furniture and planting fruit trees?
    I do not know the details of this agreement with Courts but please help me to understand the benifit of this merger (cooperation)
    From my personal knowledge, Mr. James of MNIB is probably one of the best Managers of all the statutatory bodies in Grenada. I have worked with him and his team for several years. Therefore there had to be much thought into the project both by his team and the Board.
    I would have liked to see these plants be given by MNIB directly to persons buying from MNIB retail stores. (maybe 1 plant for every $25 spent). Maybe there is a program already planned.
    I am hoping that we are not promoting sales for courts using MNIB and its limited resources.
    To say the least, the promotion to plant and eat more fruits and vegetables must be paramount for the sustainable development of Grenada and its people.