Leader of the Opposition the Rt. Hon. Dr. Keith Mitchell has written to Prime Minister Tillman Thomas bringing to his attention his concerns about the number of persons who are being affected by harsh decisions of his Government.
In his letter Dr. Mitchell made reference to a physically challenged woman with children who has been removed from the Public Assistance List and a number of persons who have been dismissed from their jobs on very short notice and in a very unprofessional manner.
Dr. Mitchell said his heart goes out to the persons involved and their families and calls on the Prime Minister to look into this matter and to live up to their stated position while in opposition that there must be no victimization nor marginalization of persons because of their perceived political affiliation.
Victimization and marginalization of individuals because of political affiliation will not stop until we have a new breed of politicians.
Look at the history of Grenadian politics, not very often do we have the smartest, balanced individuals entering politics. As a result we have to live with the very narrow minded and egotistical decisions from those who in the first instance had no purpose being there.
So how do we stop political victimization? Difficult but we have to try to be as unbiased, nonjudgmental, and fair as possible.
What goes around does come around. Some say its KARMA. Others believe it is IGNORANCE.
It’s time people understand that all politicians are concerned about is themselves. There are very hard times, why on earth would they have to send home people before of their affliations, then to place people in the jobs that do not have any experience.