Dear Mr. Noel,
I make reference to a statement you made on a recent edition of Beyond the Headline which I consider to be very misleading, dishonest and a deliberate attempt on your part to tarnish my character. Referring to the milk programme which was implemented by the former Government you said to the nation that in my office (referring to the NNP Office) you SAW milk being packaged. I challenge you to correct this statement as it is grossly false and can speak to the kind of individual you are, if you claim that you saw something that never happened.
I wish to inform you that I feel very proud of the fact that I have followed all the guidelines as a member of the former Cabinet as it relates to that programme and I have done everything possible to ensure that the persons who received milk were persons who needed it.
I am sure that you are aware, that many known supporters and activists of the NDC were beneficiaries of this programme in St. Andrew’s South East. This was never an issue to me, as I saw them not as persons belonging to a political party but as individuals in need. I trust that you will do the same. Please note, that there is only one reasons that I have chosen to get into frontline politics in this country: my love for people and the desire to help to make their lives better. Had it not been for this people like you would have discouraged me from doing what I believe I am called to do whether I am in Government or in opposition.
Mr. Noel you and members of your team have said enough on your political platform that is untrue for political gains, you have made enough attempts to destroy people’s character and even their families. Now, even after you have attain leadership of this country (which I assumed was the primary reason you behaved in that way), you have found it necessary to continue. Again I challenge you to at least be truthful when you speak. I have chosen to publish this letter simply because I would not want the general public to be misled into thinking that I was part of a government programme that was implemented for political gains as you attempted to convince the listeners.
Emmalin Pierre (Mrs)