Caribbean News

News from the Caribbean

Caribbean News

Commonwealth to unveil ‘4D strategy’ on reviving sport at ministerial forum

22 July 2020: A four-dimensional strategy will be unveiled at a major ministerial forum tomorrow, to help governments sustain the sport sector ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commonwealth Secretariat’s ‘Data, Digital, Diversify and anti-Discrimination’ strategy will help the sector adapt to the new normal and continue contributing to health and […]

Caribbean News

New dashboard launched to help Commonwealth Governments tackle Coronavirus

22 July 2020: A COVID-19 dashboard has been launched by the Commonwealth Secretariat to help member countries make vital decisions during the ongoing crisis. The Commonwealth COVID-19 Dashboard is now live and offering crucial data and analysis to help equip governments and health workers with the information they need to tackle the pandemic […]

Caribbean News

Opinion: COVID-19 debt relief must consider the vulnerabilities of small states

By Patricia Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary-General A lethal combination of disease, extreme climate events and economic crises is threatening the smallest and most vulnerable nations of the world. To tackle it, we must overhaul how we understand and address economic vulnerability. The COVID-19 pandemic has already triggered a massive global recession. […]

Caribbean News

More than 7,000 Grenadians for COVID-19 Package & Uneployment Benefits

July 13, 2020 – More than 7,000 Grenadians have benefitted thus far from Government’s economic stimulus package which offers payroll support to businesses, income support to self-employed persons and an unemployment benefit among other measures. Statistics from the COVID-19 Economic Support Secretariat show that the beneficiaries include 664 bus operators and […]

Caribbean News

Caribbean countries explore strategies to shield young people from COVID-19 shock

7 July 2020: Caribbean ministries of youth have met to discuss how best to protect young people from the damaging impacts of COVID-19. A virtual event co-hosted by the Commonwealth Secretariat, Caribbean Community and Caribbean Development Bank saw officials from 12 ministries of youth discuss challenges and solutions to delivering services […]

Caribbean News

Do Black Lives Really Matter?

By Dr. Neals J. Chitan “Black Lives Matter” is the common social awareness mantra which is now belting across the globe, driven by the recent knee-in-the-neck death of George Floyd to the hands of white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020. The vivid picture of a nonchalant […]

Caribbean News

Commonwealth Secretary-General urges peaceful,credible and inclusive elections in Malawi

19 June 2020: Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, urges all electoral and political stakeholders in Malawi to play their part in contributing to a peaceful and credible presidential election in Malawi on 23 June 2020. The Secretary-General said: “Malawi’s democracy, stability and development hinge upon the credibility of […]

Caribbean News

Commonwealth Meridian software helps countries manage debt relief for COVID-19

19 June 2020: Eligible countries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can better manage debt relief from international lenders, using the Commonwealth Secretariat’s specialised software.   The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had called for the suspension of loan repayments owed by the poorest countries of the world, to help […]

Caribbean News

World must continue to fight the invisible infection of corruption – Secretary-General

17 June 2020For immediate release   Countries’ response to Covid-19, their long-term development and the meeting of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are all threatened by the “invisible infection” of corruption, the Commonwealth Secretary-General has warned.   Speaking to the annual conference of the Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions […]

Caribbean News


June 9, 2020. Bridgetown, Barbados. Efforts are intensifying within CARICOM to get more laboratories with links to food chains accredited. This announcement came from the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality (CROSQ) today (June 9th), as the globe celebrates World Accreditation Day. The efforts, funded by many donor agencies […]

Caribbean News

Portfolio Chnages in Government as Prime Minister Delivers on promise of Quick Action to Resolve Issues at TAMCC

June 3, 2020 – Two ministerial portfolio changes have been made as Government moves swiftly to address outstanding issues at the T. A. Marryshow Community College (TAMCC).   A week ago, Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, promised quick action to address the troubling issues discussed at a meeting with […]