Local News

Winston Frederick Announces his resignation from the GULP

Subject:     Re Mrs. Gloria Payne-Banfield,
                   Political Leader of Grenada United Labor Party
                   St. George’s Grenada

Following our telephone conversation on March 25, 2008 and having carefully considered our conversation regarding the Grenada United Labor Party and its present status; I am applying my best judgment with LOVE for the tri-island nation Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique both land and people. With immediate effect, I now take the sound decision to sever ties with the Grenada United Labor Party and its executive body. I wish to graciously thank the Grenada United Labor Party and THE GREAT PEOPLE of St. Patrick’s East for allowing me THE GREATEST PRIVILEGE to serve with humility in the capacity of  Deputy speaker of the House of Representatives and  parliamentary representative for the constituency of St. Patrick’s East(1990-1995).
Ever conscious of God, let us aspire, build, advance as one people, one family, one nation.

One in Christ, One in Love! 

Winston E. Frederick (Winty).

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