Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton has promised that a vast reservoir of talent and skills in the Diaspora will be incorporated in nation building when his party wins the next general elections.
Speaking to members of the Diaspora on Thursday at Prevost Cinemall, Linton denounced the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) government for failing to draw from this reservoir. He contended that Government is afraid of overseas-based Dominicans who are high-achievers.
“It pains me that in this information age, this age of technology, where we are so readily in contact with our brothers and sisters around the world, we have not done a better job of honest, professional engagement with our brothers and sisters overseas for the cause of national development,” Linton said.
“It is a major DLP failure . . . it is a crucial failure that awaits [the UWP’s] resolution with understanding,” the UWP Leader declared, pointing out that the present government’s inability to take full advantage of the resource-rich Diaspora exposes a paradigm shift in the present DLP’s approach.
Linton reminded that the Labour movement that emerged under the late Prime Minister Rosie Douglas was focused on taking advantage of the talent and creativity available in the Diaspora. However, the Douglas initiative has not evolved under the current administration, he said.
Giving evidence of the administration’s failure to engage overseas-based Dominicans and secure their full support, Linton observed that a policy paper on the Diaspora is gathering dust. “Is that how we love our brothers and sisters overseas? Is that how we want to bring them on board?” he asked.
Linton went on to charge that Dominica has a Minister for Diaspora Affairs as well as a Liaison Officer for Diaspora Affairs in the US Virgin Islands who is being paid at the level of a Government Minister, but is doing the private political work of the DLP.
“How has the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs brought us closer together and made our relationship across the miles more effective in the common cause of building Dominica?” the UWP Leader asked. He insisted that there has been no progress or effectiveness in this regard.
Linton maintained that it is time for a change of government when the people need to put governance in the hands of a team that understands what Dominica needs to move forward, and understands how to combine local talent and skills with those in the Diaspora, for the common good.
He said Government’s neglectful approach to the Diaspora has created a perception that “we don’t like people brighter than us, more successful than us and who know the world better, and so we stick in our own little cocoon afraid of our own…”
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Linton said this has reached a point where Government invites members of the Diaspora to talk to them, but prohibits them from asking questions. This peculiar structure of Diaspora meetings, he noted, was put into place after a meeting at which an overseas-based Dominican asked questions the Prime Minister did not like.
The UWP leader stated that Dominica cannot progress with a lack of respect for other persons’ opinions. “Rather than debate, we are preaching hate…” Linton said.