Last Friday United States Ambassador to the Eastern Caribbean Ambassador Mary Ourisman paid a courtesy call on Opposition Leader Dr the Rt. Hon Keith Mitchell.
The Ambassador reiterated the fact that she enjoyed the working relationship with Dr. Mitchell and his Government and said that she is confident that he will continue to play an important role in his country’s development as leader of the opposition.
While expressing his firm commitment to continue serving his country, Dr Mitchell expressed concerns about the economic situation facing the region at this time. He said the challenges his country face is now increased because of the present world economic and political climate and advanced the view that further cooperation among countries in the region is necessary to confront those challenges.
Dr Mitchell said he will continue doing his part to advance those cooperation in areas such as agriculture, health care and education as existing regional arrangements has proven to work to the advantage of small states like Grenada.
Dr Mitchell thanked Ambassador Ourisman for her visit and her support for Grenada in the past. He noted that he looks forward to continued cooperation between Grenada and the United States in the interest of Grenada’s advancement.