Local News


The Grenada Trades’ Union Council (TUC) is horror-struck with the news that a young Police Officer was caught clandestinely recording a meeting of Her Majesty’s Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) at its Lucas Street Party Headquarters in St. George’s on Tuesday, February 26th, 2008.


Absolutely nothing can justify this vulgar and shameless act by a member of the Royal Grenada Police Force who suppose to protect the citizen of our country has engage in spying. This shameless and despicable act, which serves to humiliate and destroy the image of the Royal Grenada Police Force, and to erode public confidence in the situation.


The GTUC calls on the Government to urgently investigate the matter and to reassure the nation that members of the Secret Branch of the RGPF are no longer engaged in recording private conversations of citizens without the proper authorization.


The TUC wants the reassurance from the major telecommunication providers in the nation that their systems aren’t being used by operatives of the Police or the Government to spy upon people in their homes.


The secret taping of the NDC meeting has implications for organizations such as the TUC and others. People may become more hesitant to openly express themselves on issues because of the fear of being recorded and their safety being jeopardized.


When the state indulges in such a deviant act it sends the message that the society is in deep crisis and rocks the pillars of our democratic institutions. When the police themselves shamelessly break the law by indiscriminately recording the very people they ought to be protecting, how much lower could they stoop?


Even more disturbing is the fact that the Police and government are focusing on the allegation of the manhandling of the culprit caught recording the NDC Executive Meeting rather than seriously chastising and disciplining the leaders of the Special Branch of the Police.

Also troubling are the government and officials of the New National Party shamelessly defending the despicable act of the Police rather than issuing an apology to the nation. The TUC calls upon the Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell to demonstrate leadership to this nation.


The overwhelming majority of our Grenadian people are hurt by this act and no among government cover up and window dressing will heal the pain of the people.


The government must accept the responsibility and apologize for this shameless act.


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