

zhivargo laing

by Bevan Springer

NEW YORK (September 16, 2013) – “The Power to Be Better in Good Times and Bad” is a principle message conveyed by economist Zhivargo Laing who urges people lashed by the recession to “not feel bad because these have been momentous times with shifting fortunes leaving legions in states of anxiety, hopelessness and despair.”

An extended period of economic turbulence has shattered the American dream for millions of Americans and with it, he reminds us, ” the fortunes of many outside the United Sates whose well-being is tied to the advancement of that dream.”

The former finance minister of the Bahamas, who plans to embark on a speaking tour on the theme “Released!” this Fall, noted: “Unemployed millions, underemployed millions and fully employed but over-leveraged millions now share a common fate – the democratization of pessimism.”

Those at the margins in fragile communities, especially those heavily populated by minorities, asserted Laing, “face the additional burdens of the dissolution of social support systems and widespread despair.”

With material security in doubt and economic prospects obscure, he added, “the times have raised the central question of human existence: Why are you here and what are you about?”

The times call for an awakening, he said, “to an untapped, limitless power within, one which when discovered provides the means to be and do better in good times and bad.”

This power within, the author declared, “first works its miracle on the person, providing inner peace, clarity of perspective and renewed personal purpose. The power then works itself outward, providing the means to produce, provide and prosper.”

Laing describes it as a liberating power which “frees from the shackles of regret, the chains of pessimism and the burdens of discontentment. It releases us to be free to be now, to do now and to excel now.”

It is at this stage where Laing stated: “Physically, emotionally, socially, financially and spiritually … the released soul is centered, at peace and joy, and an excellent candidate for family and community building and development. Released is a pocket of wisdom that gives life and riches in full measure, whatever the times.”

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