Monday 2nd July 2018: Minister of Social Development, Housing & Community Empowerment the Honorable Delma Thomas has strongly defended the New National Party’s (NNP) performance under her portfolio as Minister of Social Development.
Speaking of various social welfare initiatives, Minister Thomas gave an outline of some of the programs available for vulnerable Grenadians such as the back to school voucher program, which was re-introduced and expanded by the NNP when it regained office in 2013.
The Minister speaking at the NNP’s General Council Meeting at the Hermitage Government School on Sunday also spoke of the School Book Program as being “very well on stream.” She stated that some persons have been making political statements giving the impression that the program had been discontinued by the NNP Administration but this is not so. Minister Thomas pointed to the fact that this government has been purchasing new books under the program each year since taking office in 2013.
The Minister clarified though, that the NNP Administration is providing books for vulnerable families and those parents who can afford should purchase their own books thus allowing others who cannot do so to receive better assistance.
During the 2013 Election Campaign the New National Party promised to revise the School Book Program and on coming into office have ensured that the program continues, while providing textbooks specifically to children of vulnerable families.
Needy assistance is also provided to vulnerable persons in need of urgent medical care who may not have the requisite finances to do various procedures. Added to this, assistance is also provided to persons, attending tertiary level institutions such as TAMCC through the Prime Minister’s Ministry.
New National Party