The Job Center along with many other businesses who will sponsor students who can’t afford the workshop have taken such interest in our nation youth because of the lack of preparation of job seekers and the inadequacy of new hires at their work places. It is the hope that these workshops will help mold these young minds and help them better prepare for the world of work. Participants from such training will become more aware of their role as a worker in turn will make our business more efficient and work becomes more interesting.
Most persons who are looking for a job are unaware of the fundamentals of selling themselves at an interview. Helping young persons make that transition from school to work is not only a government issue but it should be the priority of the corporate community to work with young persons to ensure that they are equip for work. Companies can have a series of training programs aimed at assisting new hires adapt to the work environment and build and advance them. As part of the event companies that use our services and display exceptional customer service will be awarded, a total of five companies will be awarded for their exceptional commitment to customer service.
The event will begin with an opening ceremony at 8:30am followed by remarks from The Job Center and the main Sponsor Cable and Wireless. Later participants will listen to presentations by various mangers who will later interview all participants. Persons looking for a job can bring their resume to be critiqued by managers as well be considered for any positions available. Each participant will be exposed to various presenters from the business community and received training in the following areas: job preparation skills, résumé and cover letter writing, work ethics, professionalism, customer service and self development sessions. Persons between 10:30am-12:30pm will be interviewed or mentored by over thirty companies that are expected to be present during the mini-job fair component of the Job Ready Workshop.
Managers will be using this forum to hire persons to fill any vacant position. This year the new components will be a mini fashion show to highlight the proper dress code and a small skit to high light Exceptional Customer Service and Professionalism in the workplace. Participants will receive a lunch , a job ready guide, literature from respective companies, colleges, schools and other organizations, a certificate and a day filled with information , learning, fun and the tools to get and keep a job.
The Managing Director of The Job Center is Mr. Collin Francis an MBA student at the St.George’s University; Indicated that such programs should be endorse by all and hopes that these programs will be brought to all secondary schools. This initiative has already begun with the
That One Day Career program was a great success and over ninety young ladies were trained and are now better prepared for the shocking reality of life. The other organizations that were involved in the Career Workshop were Courts Grenada, St.George’s University, TAMCC, Public Service Credit Union, Smiths Grenada, Kenny’s
With the tight job market persons need to upgrade themselves in order to position themselves for employment. Even those who have a job need to be trained in order to keep their jobs. There is a dire need for customer service and professionalism at the work place. The
With the continued assistance from the business community this initiative will prove quite fruitful to all parties involved particularly the young minds that will be enhanced and that will lead this nation in the very near future.
The Managing Director of The Job Center is Mr. Collin Francis indicated that such programs should be endorse by all and hopes that these programs will be brought to all secondary schools.
The Job Center along with many other businesses who will sponsor this program have taken such interest in our nation youth because of the lack of preparation of job seekers and the adequacy of new hires at their work places. It is the hope that these workshops will help mold these young minds and help them better prepare for the world of work. Participants from such training will become more aware of their role as a worker in turn will make our business more efficient and work becomes more interesting.