The National Democratic Congress has expressed deep regret at the passing of social and political activist Teddy Victor.
Victor, a founding member of the Joint Endeavor for Welfare, Education and Labour – JEWEL, in 1970, died at the General Hospital Thursday morning.
Victor, 64 years old, who was formerly from the south eastern St David parish played a major role in the struggles of the 1970’s and the subsequent rise of the Grenada Revolution.
Attorney Peter David remembers Victor as a genuine patriot who always put love of country first and never wavered in his convictions and his commitment to good governance in the nation.
“Despite our political differences Teddy Victor, like myself remained committed to a better Grenada,” said David.
Victor, having fallen out of grace with his revolutionary allies, was arrested and detained under the People’s Revolutionary Government.
Despite this Victor has in later years reconciled his differences with his former revolutionary colleagues.