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Students urged to take education seriously

St. George’s, May 23, 2010 – Another demonstration of government and its ministers’ commitment to enhancing education was displayed on Friday, May 21, at a St. George’s school.

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Primary School was the recipient of four fans from MP Peter David, who also encouraged the children to persevere in their studies.

Hon. David, parliamentary representative for the Town of St. George, and also Grenada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, said students need an environment that is conducive to learning.

He also stressed that education and learning are among the most important pursuits in a person’s life.

“Education is important. There are two things that should not depend on whether or not you come from a rich family or a poor family,’’ Mr. David told his audience of students and teachers. “Those things are education and healthcare. I believe everyone, everybody, is entitled to a good education. In my view, we – as government – and we – as a people – have to do much more to make sure that our children are properly educated.’’

Minister David, a lawyer by profession, noted the benefits of a solid primary education. “If we educate you properly at this stage,’’ he said, “then I think our society is guaranteed a better future. So I want to urge you, as the children of the Seventh Day Adventist School, to take advantage of every learning opportunity.’’

Mr. David, who is also General Secretary of the ruling National Democratic Congress, implored the students to work hard at school and give top priority to their education.

“Take your homework and your schoolwork seriously,’’ he urged. “Your teachers work 24 hours a day. If they are working so hard, why can’t you work a little harder in order to show appreciation for what they are doing? The teachers are doing it not for themselves but for you; to make sure that you grow up to be productive citizens.’

Ms. Sharon Duncan, principal of SDA Primary, expressed gratitude to MP David for his donation to the school.

“I think it was a parent who approached Mr. David on behalf of the school and I’m very grateful and very happy for this gift,’’ she said. “This presentation of four fans will go a long way to making us more comfortable. The school is in the basement of the church and so we depend on fans and artificial lighting.’’

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