I am going to get into the “meat of the matter” without any delay. Mr. Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas during your party’s campaign you preached integrity, honesty, decency, transparency and respect for public institutions but I am at a lost today as to why you are you allowing your Government’s GIS-TV to air Insp. Raymond Mathew / Calypsonian “Beast” performance at the Calypso Semi-Finals and Dimanche Gras? “Beast” is a high ranking Officer within the Royal Grenada Police Force, and you are not only the Prime Minister, but you are in charge of GIS and you’re the Minister of National Security so what message are you, your Government, the Commissioner of Police and Inspector Mathew sending to the young people of Grenada and by extension the World?
Mr. Prime Minister you and your party while in opposition had a field day beating up on Dr. Keith Mitchell for saying at one of his party’s public rally “is me dam money”. Mr. Prime Minister you yourself said on a radio programme with Glen Noel that “the Prime Minister (Keith Mitchell) ought to know that you don’t use that type of language in public, especially standing as the Prime Minister of the country”. So tell us now Mr. Prime Minister why are you condoning such practices by Beast? Mr. Prime Minister while Beast was singing you sat to the left of me in the sealed off VIP section grinning obviously enjoying the Police Inspector disrespecting the audience, Grenadians all over and even yourself. Where is Minister Glynis Roberts, the same Minister who has been calling on promoters, DJ’s and night club to bring back moral in society? She is the same Minister who said that females are to be respected, but yet for all “Beast” was allowed to disrespect Mrs. Delma Thomas, Mrs. Emmallin Pierre, Mrs. Ann Antoine, Ms. Lyndonna and others not only once, but three times and to date we have not heard a word from her or even the conference of Churches who was so active against Keith Mitchell for saying “is me dam money”
You people suppose to have sense. Now tell me, a Prime Minister saying “is me dam money” and an Inspector of Police telling the former Opposition Leader and other persons “Keep all yuh ass quiet” which one is worst? I wonder if an individual was to tell a Police Officer “keep his ass quiet” if that Officer would arrest that individual? My five year old daughter happened to walk out of her room at the same time while “beast” was singing on Television and she turned to me and asked “daddy why is that man who does dance on TV with the stick cursing on TV”? Now that alone speaks for itself.
Mr. Prime Minister you and your Government needs to stop being a hypocrite and come out of the political closet and take a stance against the behaviour of Inspector Raymond “beast” Mathew and other Calypsonian for that matter who disrespect the Grenadian people. Grenadians are all aware that Beast, Scholar, Mr. X, Persuader, Biko, Sherene, Sour Serpent among others are NDC supporters, but that does not give your Government the right to allow some of these Calysonians to disrespect the Grenadian people. I bet If it was another Calypsonian that sang the same tune you and your bosses would have been all over the radio and TV blasting that Calypsonian.
Mr. Prime Minister it is already bad enough that the decision made by the Governor General and yourself to continue Carnival on August 12th was overthrown by the Minister of Finance who decided it would continue on Saturday, August 15th. Don’t let anybody rule you, wake up and take control of your Office and practice what your preached during your campaign. Grenadians were always aware of the two Cabinets and Mr. Bristol confirmed that recently, but the people of Grenada voted for one Cabinet who promised Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, accountability and most of all respect for public institutions.
Paul Gittens
The views expressed are that of the writer and not necessary of spiceislander.com