Caribbean News, Local News

Spaces still available for Grenada child/caregiver conference in July

St George's, Grenada, Friday, 5 June 2015 – New York/Grenada NGO, reachwithin, is urging caregivers in Grenada, Carriacou and Petit-Martinique to register, before 20 June 2015, for their second annual two day conference, Caribbean Children and Caregivers: The Importance of Their Relationships.
Registration, before 20 June, will ensure lunch at the conference which takes place on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 July 2015 at St George's University (SGU). Registration after this date is still welcomed, including walk-ins on the day, but lunch cannot be guaranteed.
Organised in collaboration with SGU and research foundation, WINDREF, the conference will combine current theory with practical interactive workshops and will focus on the importance of developing healthy relationships between the child and the caregiver/teacher to help improve the child's short and long term behavioural outcome.
The conference targets people responsible for the caring, nurturing and protecting of Grenada's youth including parents, step-parents, relatives, teachers, care home workers, Au Pairs, nursery workers, roving caregivers, teachers, police and child protection staff, all or whom will receive a certificate of attendance at the conclusion.
How To Register
The registration fee is EC $200. Email for further registration information.
At The Conference
On the day of the conference attendees are asked to make their way to Alumni Hall, St George’s University between 8 am and 8.45 am for registration. The conference will commence at 9 am sharp and close at 5 pm on both days. 
Attendees will receive:
a conference programme
a conference name badge
morning and afternoon snack
lunch if registered on or before 20 June
an attendance certificate
Keynote speeches will be delivered by:
Dr. Stephen Porges, a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, Dr. C. Sue Carter a behavioural neuroendocrinologist and Director of the Kinsey Institute and Rudy Professor of Biology at the Indiana University. Dr. John Hornstein, a research associate at Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston as well as a faculty member of the Touchpoints Project.
Each keynote speech will be followed by a Q&A session:
Day One - Thursday, 2 July 2015
Polyvagal Theory and Relationship - Dr. Stephen Porges
Healing Power of Love: An Oxytocin Hypothesis - Dr. C. Sue Carter
The Developing Child in Family, Community, and Culture - Dr. John Hornstein
Day Two - Friday, 3 July 2015
Neuroception, ADHD, Adversity, Autism and Developmental Delays - Dr. Stephen Porges
Reflecting On Ourselves As We Work with Children and Families - Dr. John Hornstein
Workshops on both days are as follows:
The Power of Play (ages 0-3)
presented by Gaylen Plant MEd, CEIS Boston Children's Hospital, Brazelton Institute.
The Power of Play (ages 4+)
presented by Aditi Subramaniam, LMHC, CEIS, R-DMT of Boston Children's Hospital, Brazelton Institute, Rice Center for Families and Young Children Boston.
Yoga as Therapy - Bending your Spine to straighten out your Mind
presented by Dr. Hazel DaBreo, psychotherapist and founder of the Sweetwater Foundation Grenada.
Managing Classroom Behaviours
presented by Sera-Leigh Ghouralal of the Grand Anse Playgroup, Grenada.

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