The Grenada Broadcasting Network (GBN) has dismissed program director of Klassic Radio Sherma Wells and Clarence Baker of GBN TV in a shake up of the station.
A source told that GBN will be an affiliate of the new OCM network from Barbados. This new network has been hurriedly set up to replace the BBC Caribbean service.
I cannot see the big rush to start up a network to replace the BBC Caribbean service. Remember the BBC Caribbean service was just a few minutes of news daily.
I am blaming the NNP and Keith Mitchell for selling our national radio station to foreign interest. Grenada has been out of a radio station that provides good local programming for too long.
Now GBN will be a relay station for the New OCM network. Grenadians will wake up to listen to programs from Barbados.
What a disgrace to all the great pioneers of broadcasting in Grenada. Grenada has always lead the way in broadcasting until the NNP regime sold the station for a mere 1 million EC dollars. (2 radio and 1 TV stations)
I am once again calling on the government of Grenada to re-establish a truly national radio station. I suggest that they combine the GIS with a new national station. The GIS programs will be better served if it is carried on a station with regular local programs. This was very successful until the NNP started messing with the station.