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Retired GPC employees received gift baskets

Ma Alma Francis receiving Gift basket from GPC staff

Seven retired employees of the Grenada Postal Corporation who collective provided 210 years of service to the statutory body were recently presented with gift baskets as Grenada commemorates October as month of the Elderly.

The Corporation presented the baskets to: Gemma Lindsay connected to Burns Point Office; Dudley David connected to Grenville Office;  Earlwin Toussaint connected to Sauteurs Office;  Alma Francis connected Woburn Postal Station; Phyllis Gilbert connected to Byelands Postal Station; Daphney Croney connected to Burns Point office and Gerva Patterson connected to Belviderre Postal Station in Carriacou.

Director of Post Leo Robert said that the Corporation is committed to keeping in touch with retired staff members who made significant contribution to the operations of the post long before it became a Corporation as was part of central government. “They will always be remembers for their contribution at the Post Office. They were workers who did not hesitate in going the extra to get things done especially in the communities in which they served,” he said.

In the meantime, as part of its continued involved in community outreach the Corporation in conjunction with the Ministry of Education has launch the 2013 International letter writing competition. The 2013 theme of “Write someone a letter explaining why water is a precious resource” ties in with the International Decade for Action “Water for Life” 2005–2015.

Water serves a multitude of different purposes, and it is vital that we preserve this precious natural resource. Access to water is essential to ensuring the health and well-being of humans and the protection of nature.

The Universal Postal Union organizes the annual International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People up to the age of 15. The competition is an excellent way of making young people aware of the important role postal services play in our societies, develops their skills in composition and the ability to express their thoughts clearly, fosters their enjoyment of letter writing, and helps strengthen the bonds of international friendship – one of the basic missions of the UPU.

Each year, the UPU International Bureau chooses a theme. Participating countries organize the competition at the national level with the support of education authorities. Each country chooses a national winner and then submits it to the UPU international competition. The deadline for submitting entries in Grenada is 22nd March 2013 which is observed as International World Water day.

The 2012 theme was: “Write a letter to an athlete or sports figure you admire to explain what the Olympic Games mean to you”. Students in Grenada were encouraged to write a letter to Kirani James. More than 100 students under the age of 15 participated in the competition which was won by Nizar Jasat of the Grenada Boys Secondary School who received EC$1000; second was Odessa Merryman of the St Mark Secondary who received EC$500 and third was Calvin Blache of the St Andrew Anglican Secondary School who received EC$300.

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