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Registration still open for first ever child/caregiver conference in Grenada

ST GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Monday, 16 June 2014: US based charity, reachwithin, says a few spaces are still available to attend their REACH Grenada’s division two-day conference, Children & Caregivers: The Importance of Their Relationships. It takes place on Thursday 26thand Friday 27thJune 2014 at St George’s University.

Organised in collaboration with St George’s University (SGU) and the Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) the conference will, for the first time in Grenada, bring together a unique group of child development experts, from both the US and Grenada.

Dr Karen Lawson, founder of reachwithin, is keen for all involved in the education, nurturing, protection and personal development of children in Grenada, and across the Caribbean, to attend the conference in particular home and day care staff, roving caregivers, CPA workers, police officers, students and parents.


“I have a special love for Grenada and it’s children, especially vulnerable children and those raised in the care system” says Dr. Lawson. “That is why I chose to base reachwithin here and to launch a conference, the first of its kind, on this beautiful island.”

“reachwithin would like to thank local businesses that have, thus far, helped to turn what was a dream into a reality” continues Dr. Lawson, “their very kind donations have allowed up to twenty-five Grenadian care home workers, who could not afford the fee, to attend the conference. Their contributions also went towards providing supporting documents and luncheons for the delegates.”

Dr. Richard Honigman, Chair, reachwithin Advisory Board added: “Children are our future and its important that we raise them with self-esteem, self-respect, dignity and pride. This conference will focus on the importance of early adaptive relationships and interactions that mutually support both the child and caregiver. Our aim is to help caregivers set the stage for their child’s ongoing growth to ensure that the nurturing is culturally respectful so that the child may develop positive and healthy relationships with those whom they interact with in later life.

How To Register

The EC $200 fee can be paid online at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/children-caregivers-the-importance-of-their-relationships-tickets-10688568797 To arrange cash payment in advance email conference@reachgrenada.org.


At The Conference

On the day of the conference attendees are asked to make their way to Alumni Hall, St George’s University between 8 am and 8.45 am for registration. The conference will commence at 9 am sharp and close at 5 pm on both days. Attendees will receive:

  • a conference programme
  • a conference name badge
  • morning and afternoon snack
  • lunch
  • an attendance certificate

(booking in advance is advised so that the conference organisers may arrange lunch)

Keynote speeches and workshops will be delivered by:

Dr. Ed Tronick, University Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Boston and Director of the Child Development Unit at Boston Children’s Hospital, lecturer in Paediatrics, Harvard Medical School and Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Education and the School of Public Health at Harvard. He is also director of the UMass Boston Infant Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Fellowship Certificate Program.

Dr. John F. Hornsteinhas worked in the field of early child development for over 35 years. He received his doctorate at Harvard University in Human Development and Psychology. He is a research associate at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School.

Marilyn Davillier, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, has worked with infants, children and families in a teaching, research or clinical capacity for over 20 years. She is also Associate Program Director of the UMass Boston Infant Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Fellowship Certificate Program.

Local leading professionals listed below will host workshops:

Dr. Hazel BaBreo is a psychotherapist in private practice. Dr. DaBreo is Co-Founder and Director of the Sweet Water Foundation head quartered in Toronto with a sister branch is Grenada dedicated to ending sexual violence against children. Dr. DaBreo is the co-author of three texts on child abuse in the Caribbean.

Carla St. Louis M.A is an Early Childhood Education Officer at the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. She is also a New York State trained and certified School Psychologist. Ms. St. Louis is completing her doctoral degree in psychology


Tonya Hyacinth BsC is a Speech and Language Pathologist with the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. Hyacinth conducts assessments of student with special needs, trains and supports school personnel and parents and works with improving special education in Grenada

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