Newly elected Prime Minister Tillman Thomas on Thursday moved into the official office of the Prime Minister at the Botanical Gardens Ministerial Complex, vowing to respect competence over political patronage.
At a press briefing with reporters the Prime Minister, who was sworn in at a short ceremony on Wednesday, said he was ready to work as there are several challenges ahead that must be confronted if the country is to move on.
“I am not asking for political allegiance. What we need is competence and commitment, people who are willing to work and be rewarded on merit,” he said.
Prime Minister Thomas said the democratic process must be respected for the way transition from one government to another is done. The Prime Minister said his government will not compromise on people who operated within the public service or in statutory bodies and who break the law based on political affiliation.
“We will respect public officers who carry out their responsibilities fairly and efficiently. What we will not tolerate are the attempts by some who have been attached to the public service or political appointees by the former administration who will seek to remove and destroy documents or other government property,” he said.
The Prime Minister noted that directors of statutory boards appointed by the previous government should refrain from signing contracts and/or making decisions that would bind the new administration.
He pointed out that, as is the norm, board members should tender their resignations and allow the new government to review the process to reflect the new administration’s plans and policies.
He warned that the police will investigate reports of alleged destruction or removal of government property and the law will take its course.
Asked by one reporter about the removal of cameras and other equipment from the Government Information Service (GIS), the Prime Minister said while he heard of these reports, he is awaiting a police report..