Local News


Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Hon. Tillman Thomas, have expressed sympathy to the families of two St. Andrews men, who died in unfortunate circumstances on Monday.

“This is a tragedy, not just for the people of St. Andrew but for all of Grenada. Our prayers are with you at this time of your deep sorrow. We join in mourning your loss as a result of this indescribable act,” the Prime Minister said today.

He also said that as a result of the incident three families and their respective communities are suffering.

 The Prime Minister said the act underscored the need for a structured approach to anger management and solving problems. He urged the public to allow the police to carry out their investigations into the incident before making judgment.

“This is a very sad period for Grenada. We ought to be our brother’s keeper. Our focus should be on the preservation of life and building relationships that will help to resolve disagreements,” the Grenadian leader said Tuesday.

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