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Grenada joins the rest of the world in observing World AIDS Day.

This year, 2008 is the 20th anniversary observance of a day when the world pauses to remember the persons who would have died as a result of complications related to HIV and AIDS;  

We pause to remember and renew the commitment for medical and psychosocial support for persons living with HIV and AIDS;

We pause to recognize the achievements over the past year and to pledge commitment for another year of combating the disease.

Today I join with the Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Chairperson of the National AIDS Council, Hon. Ann Peters, in congratulating all activists for 20 years of hard work. We must consolidate the gains and continue in the struggle to ultimately stop and reverse the spread of HIV in Grenada. This is more than just a desire; this is a pledged commitment on the part of Government and that of UN member states.

We are committed to building the institutional capacity that is needed at all levels as the nation continues its fight against HIV. Towards this end, Grenada joins the rest of the world in observing World AIDS Day under the theme ‘Stop AIDS – Keep the Promise’ with a special focus on ‘Leadership’. As a part of Government’s broad plan to deal with the issue of HIV and AIDS, ‘Leadership’ will be promoted and modelled at all levels.

Fellow Grenadians HIV and AIDS present broad developmental challenges for this country. As a result Government seeks to also address related social and economic issues which place people at risk. A revised National AIDS Policy was completed in 2007 and a revised National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS is in the final stages of revision before approval. This new strategic plan is expected to take effect in 2009 and it will guide the policy and decisions related to HIV. This will include the revision and restructuring of the program to respond to the strategic priorities.

Our government is also about to embark on a project that will contribute to alleviating vulnerabilities, by addressing issues related to HIV, AIDS and broader development. The United Nations Development Program is assisting with financial and technical support for this project. Areas such as poverty will be addressed.

 It is the goal of Government to ensure that ample opportunities are provided to hear the voiceless individuals, sub groupings and vulnerable communities among us. We will take measures to address their particular concerns. Towards this end, Government continues to support the existence of a Human Rights Desk within the National AIDS Directorate.

We will also continue to look at the Law, Ethics and Human Rights review with respect to HIV and will bring appropriate legislation before Parliament where necessary.

Over the next few months activities to be undertaken include:

·        The provision of budgetary support for the implementation of work plans by ministries to support their sector-specific HIV and AIDS response initiatives in the 2009 fiscal year.

·        The promotion of Voluntary Counselling and Testing as a means of knowing HIV status.

·        The provision of technical and other support to HIV and AIDS response initiatives of the NGOs, the employers, the trades unions and broader civil society organizations. Support for these initiatives is essential since 85 percent of all persons living with HIV are in the employable age bracket.

·        The continuation of the process of assimilating the HIV and AIDS Programme into the national budget.

·        The decentralization and enhancement of the treatment, care and social support program.

·        The implementation of the revised National Strategic Plan and

·        The reconfiguration of the National AIDS Program to reflect national priorities and interests.

World AIDS Day is a time for reporting, reflection and recommitment.

It presents an opportunity for us to report on the state of HIV and AIDS in our country and iterate our response.

This year the report has shown increases in the numbers of people who know their HIV status because more persons are taking an HIV test. This is an increase over 2007. However it still represents only a small subset of the population.

Government therefore continues to encourage all persons to access HIV tests and know their HIV status. This is a time of reflection on the lives of the persons who have died and the impact of their death on the country and their families.

The many children who are affected because of the death of parents as a result of complications associated with HIV is of concern. Our Government supports the initiatives of the education sector response to reach these children in 2008 and will continue this work in 2009.

World AIDS Day is a time for recommitment. As leaders, we have committed ourselves to fighting HIV. We will ensure the fight is holistic. We also commit to removing legislative and policy hindrances to the national response to HIV and AIDS. We call for leadership at all levels and ask all to join us to provide effective leadership to ensure all sectors fully participate in the expanded national response to HIV/AIDS.

Let us ensure that persons living with HIV and their families, as well as the HIV-related orphans, enjoy every opportunity to live a full life. The quality of their lives should be equal to HIV negative persons in our country.  We have taken the lead at the national level; we call on leaders at all levels to do the same. Further we join the global call for you as citizens to ensure that we keep this promise.

I thank you and may God bless us all.


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