Local News

Prime Minister extends sympathy with the passing of Roy St.John


ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Thursday, October 31, 2013 – GIS: On behalf of the Government and People of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinque, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell extends to the family of Former Sports Minister, Mr. Roy St. John, the most profound sympathy.

Mr. St. John was an outstanding son of the soil, and he will be greatly missed for his excellence on and off the playing field.

Mr. St. John was also a former national footballer who served as Minister of sports during the reign of the Eric Gairy government.

He has been described by many here as an architect of Grenadian sporting excellence, especially in the area of sports administration.

The Tanteen playing field on the outskirts of St. George’s was renamed in his honour a few years ago.

The former Grenada Sports Minister died at the age of 91 on Thursday after a period of illness.

St. John’s name is among several of Grenada’s sporting icons being proposed for entry into a National Sports Hall of Fame which has been under consideration.

May the soul of Mr. St. John, through God’s mercy, rest in peace.


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