Local News

PM Keith Mitchell Seeking Parliament Approval COVID-19 Stimulus

My friends, tomorrow, I will be seeking parliamentary approval for Government’s COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package during a special sitting of the House of Representatives. As you are aware, the stimulus package seeks to mitigate economic fallout from the global pandemic through 14 measures. My parliamentary colleagues will have an opportunity to publicly weigh-in on the measures.

Another major agenda item for the special sitting of Parliament will be discussion of a resolution that will grant an extension to the State of Emergency, beyond the 21-day validity of the
declaration by the Governor General. In keeping with section 17 (5) of the Constitution, parliamentary approval will allow the resolution to remain in force for six months or a shorter period, if so specified.

Unlike most other meetings since Grenada confirmed cases of COVID-19, this Special Sitting of the House of Representatives will be an in-person meeting. Therefore, special arrangements are being made which will allow parliamentarians to adhere to the physical distancing protocol.

Friday’s special sitting of the House of Representatives begins at 9:00 a.m. and will be broadcast live on GIS Channel 22, GBN TV Channel 20, MTV Channel 22 and Real FM. I encourage you to tune in.

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