Local News


St. George, March 29, 2008 — Pan Pioneers Production will stage Grenada’s first ever Steelpan Music Festival for Minor Categories 2008.  The Minor Categories Championships are a series of Steel Pan competitions that consist of the following categories:

1.    Soloist. An un-accompanied performance on any Steelpan.
2.    Duet. Two panists rendering a piece together.
3.    Quartet. Four persons rendering a piece together on Steelpans or Steelpans and drums.
4.    Ensemble. Fifteen persons rendering a piece together on Steelpans & Percussion.

The competitions will be staged in two phases. Phase I will feature the Solo, Duet and Quartet competitions and is scheduled for the period 13th-19th April, 2008 while Phase II will feature the ensemble competition which is scheduled to be held towards the end of October 2008.

The preliminaries for the first phase will be staged at the Marryshow Folk Theatre on Sunday April 13th at 6.00 pm, while the Finals will be held at the Grenada Trade Centre in Grand Anse on Saturday April 19th at 7.00 pm.

All Steelbands affiliated with the Grenada Steelband Association have been invited to participate in the competition and have until April 3rd to submit their registration for the following categories: Soloists, Duets and Quartets.

Winners of the various categories will receive cash prizes and trophies while there are appearance fees for all competitors appearing in the finals.

Price of admission to the preliminaries will be EC$ 10.00 for the preliminaries and EC$ 20.00 for the Finals. Children under the age of 12 will be charged half price to enter..

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