ST.GEORGE’S, GRENADA, 21 NOVEMBER 2008_Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas has called for a renewed thrust among OECS states for the strengthening of the integration process, describing it as one of the best options for the sub-region in the face of globalization. He welcomed the Manning initiative as “a move in the right direction.”
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 48th meeting of the OECS Authority in Montserrat this week, the Prime Minister said the OECS leaders were meeting in “very difficult times.”
“The challenges of globalization, natural disasters, reducing poverty, achieving economic growth and now a world financial market in turmoil, collectively have extremely negative implications for the political and social stability for our vulnerable states,” he said.
The Prime Minister, who is also Chairman of the OECS Authority, pointed to the steady rise in food prices, the decrease in direct foreign investment and a tourism sector which continues to struggle from a fall in visitor arrivals and spending, as some of the characteristics of the region’s future economic fortunes.
“As a result, I believe that one of the best options open to us remains the pursuance of the strengthening of our integration process. This we should pursue with renewed vigour. Our actions must be decisive, bold and pragmatic,” the Prime Minister said.
He said while the economic outlook for small states may be bleak, there is a need to “seriously consider any initiative that will fortify and strengthen the efforts of our organization to achieve sustainable economic development.”
Pointing to the Manning Initiative, an attempt by Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Patrick Manning to integrate further with the OECS, the Grenadian leader said any arrangement that values and respects our uniqueness; that seeks to preserve it and at the same time, promotes the equitable sharing of the benefits to be derived, “must be embraced.”
“I am aware that some of us are rather tentative about the proposal, but I think that we have to be open, confident and pragmatic enough, to discuss anything that seeks to enhance the goals of our grouping. Indeed, I am informed that our OECS treaty arrangements are not expected to be affected negatively.”
The Grenadian leader said the team of consultants, led by Professor Vaughn Lewis, is hard at work seeking to finalize, by year’s end, a study that will generate and foster wide discussions on the matter.
The Prime Minister said he is “firmly committed to regional integration”.