The New National Party (NNP) Youth Arm expresses deep concern about what appears to be an increase in reports of gun-related violence in Grenada, particularly among young people. While Grenada enjoys a relatively peaceful society, we must not be naïve about the realisation of the illegal importation of arms and ammunition into Grenada and its effects on citizens and the country when used in violent acts.
The most direct consequence of gun violence on citizens, especially youth, can be disabilities or death. Moreover, while some victims of gun violence may physically recover, they may still suffer through a range of long-term physical health issues. Furthermore, any physical injuries may require medical treatment, hospitalisation, and even surgeries, further adding to the financial burden on family and state resources.
Gun violence also has a severely detrimental effect on young people’s mental health. Research has shown that victims of gun violence are particularly vulnerable to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to the significant level of trauma involved with gun violence. Victims may also suffer from other mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
In a recent town hall meeting, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Hon. Dickon Mitchell said, “The importation of illegal guns threatens Grenada”., His admission resulted from multiple reports of arms and ammunition seizure at Grenada’s main seaport from an importer.
We congratulate and thank the Royal Grenada Police Force and the Customs and Excise division for their vigilance towards ensuring that Grenada remains a peaceful and violent-free country.
The Youth Arm wishes to remind the government that the implementation of effective government policies in tandem with sustainable community-driven initiatives, the implementation of sound youth economic empowerment programs, the facilitation of economic growth marked by a correlative focus on social responsibility will promote a cooperative law-abiding citizenry.
Therefore, Government must take urgent action to continue projects that supported youth and reduce unemployment.
Furthermore the NNP Youth Arm calls on the NDC administration to remain true to and honor the campaign promise that no one will be sent home and that all contract workers will be made permanent.
New National Party Youth Arm