ST. GEORGE, GRENADA, 5th July, 2012: The Member of Parliament for Carriacou and Petite Martinique Hon. Elvin G. Nimrod says that the refusal by Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas to answer a question about the source of us$50,000.00 which he admitted was deposited into his personal bank account demonstrates arrogance, lack of transparency and contempt on the part of the Prime Minister.
Mr. Nimrod said that after first denying allegations that a sum of money was deposited into the personal bank account of a top Government Minister, Prime Minister Thomas was forced to admit he received US$50,000.00 into his personal bank account as a contribution to his Political Party (NDC) from a source which the Prime Minister consistently and defiantly refused to disclose to the Grenadian people.
According to Mr. Nimrod, during the last sitting of Parliament on Tuesday May 26th, 2012 Prime Minister Thomas was asked to state the specific source of the US$50,000.00 which he admitted to have received but instead of showing transparency in answering the question, the Prime Minister of transparency and integrity chose to seek refuge and take cover under Standing Order No.22 (4) of the rules of Parliament which says in essence that a minister may decline or refuse to answer a question if in the opinion of the Minister the answer would be contrary to the public interest.
According to Mr. Nimrod the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique have a right and a compelling interest in knowing the source of this money that was deposited in the Prime Minister’s personal account contrary to the Prime Minister ill- founded belief that his disclosure of the source will be contrary to the public interest.
Mr. Nimrod says that he is now convinced more than ever and that the whole nation should also be so convinced that the continued refusal by the Prime Minister to disclose the source of the US$50,000.00 is a telling indication that the money might have possibly come from an illegal source such as money laundering, drug trafficking or terrorist financing which violates our Law on Terrorism.
Mr. Nimrod said it is obvious that the Prime Minister is more interested in protecting the identity of some suspicious Foreign Donor than upholding the laws of his country and satisfying the needs of his people.
Mr. Nimrod also stated that the Parliamentary privilege of refusing to answer a question which may be contrary to the public interest pertains to Ministers in their ministerial capacities and should not be invoked by the Prime Minister who claimed that he received the US$50,000.00 in his capacity as Political Leader of his party and not in his capacity as Prime Minister.
The Member of Parliament for Carriacou and Petite is calling on Prime Minister the Hon. Tillman Thomas to ease the anxiety, frustration and fears of the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique by letting them know the true source of the US $50, 000.00 which was deposited in his personal bank account.
Mr. Nimrod is also calling on Prime Minister Tillman Thomas to demonstrate his commitment to the principle of accountability by giving a full and accurate account as to how the US $50,000.00 was spent. In light of the fact, that the general secretary of the NDC has denied any knowledge of the receipt and use of such funds.
According to Mr. Nimrod until and unless such disclosure is made the Prime Minister cannot claim the moral authority to lead the nation or even to continue to utter words such as transparency, accountability, good governance and integrity in public