Local News

New Grenada Parliament Session Opens

St. George’s, Grenada – August 20, 2008: The Ceremonial state opening of the Eighth Parliament of Grenada attracted a packed chamber as several of the Senators and Parliamentarians sat in the house for the first time. The opening of parliament took place just over one month since the NDC defeated the New National Party eleven – four at the polls.

As part of the proceedings, the President and Deputy President of the Senate as well as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives were nominated.

Joan Purcell is the President of the Senate with Senator Chester Humphrey nominated as Deputy President.

Speaker of the House of Representatives is Mr. George James McGuire and honorable Roland Bhola, the Deputy Speaker.

All the Senators and Parliamentarians took the oath of allegiance as administered by the Clerk of Parliament Adrian Hayes, after which they signed the Oath Book. The impressive ceremony included royal salutes to Governor General his Excellency Sir Daniel Williams and Prime Minister the honorable Tillman Thomas.

Among the dignitaries was Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who took the opportunity to greet familiar faces.

Delivering the Throne Speech, Governor General His Excellency Sir Daniel Williams says a number of programs will be implemented by the new government, including agricultural development.

With scarce financial resources, many of the programs will be implemented for the new budget cycle in 2009. With the ceremonial opening out of the way it’s now left for the monthly sittings of the houses of parliament to deal with issues of interest to national development.


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