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In recent weeks we have been bombarded with innuendos, ludicrous, and false allegations against our hard-working and diligent Minister of Finance, and Deputy Political Leader of the NDC, Nazim Burke.

We listened to Mr. Burke’s media interview on Sundays with George Grant on September 26th, 2010, as he revealed to the Nation his personal financial situation and the level of forgery which has been perpetuated against him and his wife, and are more convinced that Grenada is fortunate to have a most dedicated and hardworking Minister of Finance in Nazim Burke. We are satisfied with all the answers given by Mr. Burke during the interview. The integrity of Minister Burke is unquestionable and we issue this statement in support of him as our Deputy Political Leader and Grenada’s Minister of Finance.

The NDC Women’s Arm encourages our ministers not to allow themselves to be distracted from delivering on the promise of transparency, good governance, and accountability that were the vanguard of our 2008 Election Campaign. Our government’s deliverance on these promises has left the losing NNP in a never-ending stupor. We are proud of Prime Minister Tillman Thomas and his cabinet for their ability to deliver economic and social goods in these challenging economic times, both nationally and globally.

Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969) said, “A people that value its privileges above its principles soon lose both.” This quote is very reflective of the NNP’s governance from 1995 to 2008. We thank God for delivering us!  As we enter our third year of governance we stand firmly with our Political Leader, Honourable Tillman Thomas, Nazim Burke, and the cabinet of ministers.

As NDCites, we are proud of the atmosphere of peace, stability, and freedom of expression that all Grenadians are now basking in since July, 8th, 2008; thanks to this NDC Administration. “Let the People’s Voices be Heard” will continue to be our clarion call!  And, as women, we will not stand idly by while those with criminal minds seek to use the good name of a woman and mother in their game of political maliciousness. You can count on us for our unwavering support as the Women’s Arm. 

Thus, we stand in solidarity with Brother the Honourable Burke; he can count on the unwavering support of the Women’s Arm of the NDC.

Mrs. C. Maria Roberts-Pascal

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