The New National Party is expressing great concern over the continued infighting in the ruling National Democratic Congress party and the Government, even after the attempt to present a united front to the nation in response to the recent No Confidence Motion.
The NNP is saying that in spite of the decision of key openly disgruntled members of the government to put personal and party interest above the people’s interest; and in spite of the claims made by the Prime Minister, the rift continues to deepen and widen, just one week after the Motion.
Officials of the NNP are expressing great concern over reports that the Prime Minister has organized a so-called Solidarity Rally against the wishes of members of the party’s executive and the Government-the reason for the concern being the impact that the message of continuing party and Government infighting will have on the country.
Appearing on a popular current affairs program Monday evening, the assistant Public Relations officer of the NDC made it quite clear that the party had nothing to do with the Solidarity Rally and of such it was not their place to be. Sparking more concerns as to what next the people of the country will hear coming from the NDC.
The NNP officials are saying that while they do not wish to meddle in the internal affairs of the NDC, they must take note of the fact that infighting within the Government is negatively affecting the people of the country and can, in the long run bring the operations of the state to a virtual standstill, a situation which would bring added misery to the people.
The NNP wishes to take the opportunity to advise that the continuance of this kind of open infighting and public quarrelling would tie the hands of any Government, and that in the end it is the people who really suffer from the damage caused. It is calling on the Prime Minister and the relevant members of the party and Government to let good sense prevail and apply the necessary restraint in dealing with this worsening situation.
It is calling on all involved to put the interest of the country and its people first in all that they do.
Grenadians do not wish to be rescued from themselves again.