St. George’s, July 9, 2012 – A senior member of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said the party can win a second consecutive term in office when general elections are called.
But General Secretary Peter David says victory would require “party soldiers’’ to focus and to become active.
“Brothers and sisters, keep hope and don’t let them distract you. Every man has to put his shoulder to the wheel. Go back to the trenches and work hard for the party,’’ David said in address Sunday marking the fourth anniversary of the NDC 2008 general election victory.
The event, at La Tante Beach in St. David, was endorsed by the national executive of the NDC, which said that it wanted to show appreciation to party activists and supporters that ensured the 11 – 4 victory at the polls on July 8, 2008.
St. David MP and Agriculture Minister, Denis Lett, said it was fitting for the NDC to “celebrate the great work of the party’’ that brought the government to office four years ago.
“I wish all a happy anniversary,’’ Lett said to the gathering that included other NDC parliamentarians.
He promised to “defend’’ the NDC, while Assistant General Secretary, Valdon Paul, stressed that the party “belongs to all of us.’’
He implored party members to “keep the NDC together and reject those who think the NDC is insignificant.’’
Former Culture Minister Arley Gill, who is NDC Public Relations Officer, described the event as “one of the best social activities of the party.’’
However, NDC Leader and Prime Minister of Grenada, Tillman Thomas, opted to mark Sunday’s election anniversary with a government rally in Gouyave, St. John.
He and other speakers outlined what they considered the achievements of the government in the past four years. References were also made to the situation in the NDC, including the decision of the national executive to commemorate the party’s election victory with the appreciation event at La Tante.
Deputy NDC Leader, Nazim Burke, told the Gouyave rally that he had received information that the La Tante event was attended by 130 NNP supporters who had gone there for food.
Chair of the rally, Senator Ann Peters, also dismissed as untrue, reports of the formation of a new party involving Prime Minister Thomas.
During his address at La Tante, David said he was recommitting himself to “work with anyone who wants to work with me.’’
The General Secretary said “bad advice’’ is being given the prime minister by those in his inner circle.
“They are giving the leader bad advice. There are those around him who will say one thing to him in his face and then stab him in his back,’’ David charged.
David, who is also MP for the Town of St. George, said the struggle of the NDC is to ensure more is done to deliver on people’s need for such things as jobs, better housing and improved healthcare.
“We have to find a way to solve these problems in Grenada. This is about our people. This is about Grenada,’’ said David.
“I will always stand on the side of the people,’’ he added. “Let us move forward together. Let us move forward in unity.’’