An opinion poll conducted in late May by the New York-based North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) shows the incumbent NNP will be returned to office with a comfortable working majority. At the dissolution of parliament last week, the NNP held a slim 1 seat majority 8-7.
The findings of the poll reveal that the NNP will improve on that figure over the opposition.The Grenada polling exercise interviewing approximately 150 individuals in each of the fifteen constituencies.
According to the poll’s findings, voters expressed positive vibes about the recovery and infrastructure work of the NNP government since Hurricane Ivan struck three years ago giving the NNP a solid 9% lead over the NDC in popular support – 49% to 40%.About 10% of the voters are undecided and 1% is breaking for other minor parties.
According to the poll, voters also say they prefer incumbent Keith Mitchell over Opposition Leader Tillman Thomas for the post of Prime Minister.NACTA has been conducting polls in the Caribbean for almost 20 years and has developed a good track record of being on target.
The organization most recently predicted the victory of the incumbent PNM in Trinidad last November.
NACTA was the only polling organization to predict the 26-15 seats victory by the PNM..